Visit Beautiful Beaches in Indonesia.

Pink Beach,Komodo Island. Indonesia is indeed a fascinating country comprising of a vast archipelago of  more than 17,000 islands, stretching  over 3,181 miles from east to west. No wander that Indonesia is also called as a necklace of equatorial emeralds .  with such an extensive coasline, Indonesia boasts as one of the longest coastlines in the world. According to the Indonesian Ministry of Tourism, the country's coastline stretches for approximately 54,716 kilometers (34,000 miles), which is indeed one of the longest coastlines in the world. According to Wikipedia, the fourth longest in the world with over 80,000 kilometers (50,000 miles). Indonesia is home to some of the most stunning beaches in the world. Tripadvisor just announced its top picks the best beaches in the world for 2025. And the winner is Elafonissi beach in Crete, Greece. Among the Top 10 world beaches, Indonesia contributes Kelingking beach in Nusa Penida, Bali to the world. Kelingking  Beach is...

Bali Community

Community organizations in the Balinese are traditional in nature, the Village, Banjar, Subak and Sekeha.Traditional forms of public institutions by a single entity called the Village area. The village has an understanding of the concept of Indigenous Village and the Village Office. Traditional Village is an integral relationship of indigenous people in Bali who have unity of tradition and manners socially Hindu community living for generations in heaven Three bond, which has a particular area and its own assets and reserves the right to manage his own household. While the Village Office is the administrative territorial unit under the District.
According to its structure, traditional village pattern is classified in two traditional village which has a traditional village pattern of centralization and decentralization that has a pattern. In the first pattern position and function of traditional village is very central, while the second pattern of traditional village is divided into several areas below unity village (sub-village) called Banjar. Banjar in addition to administrative functions, as well as a religious function and handle functions that are social, economic, and cultural. In general, in one Banjar members have an average of 50 to 100 families. Each Banjar has a central meeting place or hall called Banjar.
Subak is one form of social organization in Balinese traditional and hereditary formed by the Balinese Hindu community. Subak serves as an integral part of the paddy rice field owners or tenants who receive irrigation water from a water source or a particular dam. Subak is a unity of economic, social, cultural and religious.
Sekeha is a voluntary organization which was formed on the basis of specific objectives. In this paradise island there are a variety sekeha in the field of farm life, craft, art, religion, and others.


Bali Asli population once the faiths that believe in nature, but after going through the process of adaptation of Population Majapahit descent, mostly Hindu Balinese population, although now many of Bali's population also other faiths. Hinduism in Bali is slightly different from the Hindu belief that berasal of the Majapahit kingdom originally came from India, because the Balinese culture has been through the process of adaptation of the two kinds of the population.


Cremation is a cremation performed Hindus in Bali, the ceremony was conducted for the ancestral spirits penyucian deceased to the place of final resting by means of burning bodies.
The word itself has a sense of cremation ashes all stock or goal lead on the last detachment of human life. In Hinduism Lord Brahma has some intention other than as a creator god Brahma is also believed to have intentions as the God of Fire. So the cremation ceremony itself is a process of purification of the spirit fire using fire way to be able to go back to the creator, the incarnation of Lord Brahma fire could burn all impurities attached to the bodies and spirits of people who have died.

History of Nyepi Day

Nyepi is a Hindu feast day is celebrated each new year shaka. Where in this day Hindus do observe geni Samadhi of conducting inner and outer self-cleaning. Nyepi falls on count Tilem Kesanga (IX) which is believed to be a good moment to get closer to the Almighty God and believe to be on the purification of the gods who are the center of the ocean to come to earth to bring the water of life (amarta) for human welfare and community hindu world

Meaning of Nyepi Day

Nyepi origin of the word quiet (silent, silent). which is the celebration of the Hindu New Year is based on the Saka calendar, starting in approximately 78 AD. On Nyepi, all the Hindus in Bali contemplating himself back into a human man to clean, sacred inner and outer. Therefore, all activities in Bali dispensed, only public hospital facilities are open. There are several ceremonies were held before and after Nyepi Day:
Melasti ceremony
Interval of two or three days before Nyepi, Melasti ceremony held or called Melis / Meki Is, on this day, all the equipment is in Pura persembahyangan in procession to the place where the drain water and contain as oceans, lakes and rivers, because of the sea, lakes and rivers are a source of holy water (tirta Amrita) and can cleanse and purify from all impurities that exist in man and nature.


Before Nyepi Day ceremonies held Bhuta Yadnya ceremony that has meaning to the expulsion of evil spirits by making ornaments or statues depicting shaped or blind when (Giant Evil) in a language called ogoh ogoh bali her, the ceremony was performed in every home, Banjar, village, sub-district, district and province. The ceremony was conducted in front of the yard, road intersections, squares and courts, and ogoh ogoh menggambarkan blind and when it is carried in procession in gang crowded by people carrying torches accompanied by drumming from kampung village, the ceremony began at approximately carried out from late afternoon until six o'clock at the latest twelve o'clock, after the ceremony is finished the ogoh ogoh in fuel, this all means that the whole spirit of demons have been expelled and destroyed 
When Nyepi, all the Hindus in Bali enjoined to do chess initiation seclusionThere being four chess initiation and the ban should be run:
  1. Amati GeniDo not start the fire and not inflame passions.
  2.  Observe WorkDo not do the physical work activitiesbut increases the activity of spiritual cleanse.
  3. Observe lelunganThere is traveling but introspectivebrooding self for a moment about everything that we do when yesterdaytoday and tomorrow 
  4. Lelanguan observebut do not inflame the pleasure of centeringThoughts on this Brata Sang Hyang Widhi started when the sun "Prabata" dawn till dawn the next morning, during (24) hours. 

Geni Ngembak Day ceremony takes place after the expiry of Nyepi (Brata Nyepi). On the next day be used to implement the Dharma Shanty, visit each other and forgive so sorry Hindus especially Çaka can start the new year with new things that positif, both within the family and in society. so terbinanya harmony and lasting peace
According to tradition, on the Nyepi day everyone stays at home to do the fasting, meditas and pray, and concludes assess personal qualities yourself. In these days, especially Hindus also evaluate themselves, how far the level of spiritual approaches that have been achieved, and Have better understand the nature of the purpose of life in this world.

ooh ogoh bali
"Ogoh-Ogoh" is a masterpiece sculpture depicting the Balinese culture personality "Bhuta Kala" and has become an icon in the tradition of ritual is very important in the welcome Nyepi or New Year Saka. The entire Hindu Dharma will rejoice to welcome the new year with a procession parade "ogoh-ogoh" that coincide with the contemplation of that has happened and been done so far. By the time "Pengrupukan" or a day before Nyepi, the events and the procession every year is the same on each Banjar (adat Village level) in Bali will compete in terms of making "ogoh-ogoh" as attractive as possible. When making art more valuable, complex, and more recently, the "ogoh-ogoh" that is expected to raise a question of dignity that makes it.


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