Inscription Park Museum in Jakarta

Taman Prasati Museum is located at Jl. 1 Tanah Abang, Jakarta, which can be achieved through Jalan Abdul Muis. Taman Prasati Museum is probably the only outdoor museum in Jakarta, where nearly all the collection of inscriptions are in the open air without protection. Probably because most of the inscription was made ​​of natural stone, marble or bronze that is resistant to weather changes.
Taman Prasati Museum
Taman Prasasti Museum was originally a Dutch cemetery, Kerkhof Laan, who became known as Kebun Ginger Kober cemetery. Area of ​​5.5 ha cemetery was built in 1795 to replace the cemetery next to the church Nieuw Hollandsche Kerk, now Puppet Museum, and of the Zion Church, as a result of prohibition issued Daendels not to bury the bodies in the ground around the church and personal property.
Museum Taman Prasasti
Ginger Kebun Kober cemetery was closed in 1975 because there is no more space left. All the bodies in the cemetery Kebun Ginger Kober then transferred to another funeral, such as Menteng Pulo and Land coachman, and made ​​Taman Prasasti  Museum was officially opened by the then Governor of Jakarta, Ali Sadikin on July 7, 1977 with a collection of inscriptions, headstones, monuments, and tombs as many as 1,372. Currently vast living museum of 1.3 ha.
Museum Taman Prasasti
Replica hearse in Taman Prasasti Museum used to carry the coffin with the corpse to the grave. Social status when it can be seen from the number of horses used, two or four, to pull the train body.
Statue of a woman sleeping in the Taman Prasasti Museum Inscription and some behind.

Taman Prasasti


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