Rawadano Nature Reserve in Banten

Attraction dubbed as the Swamp Lake is located in Serang district, and is 101 km from Jakarta. This location is an area dominated marshes, there is also a lake. The total area of ​​approximately 2,500 hectares of overgrown by various types of trees.
rawadano tourist
The island is also known as a tourist attraction is a place to nest for various types of animals reptiles, such as snakes and crocodiles. Not less than 250 species of birds living in this area. We can reach this location through three channels, namely; 
• Jakarta - Cilegon - Anyer - Rawaadano, 
• Jakarta - Serang - Padarincang - Rawadano, and 
• Jakarta - Serang - Anyer - Cinangka - Padarincang - Rawadano.
rawadano tourist
Where this one was already known to many people as a place to rest. Even the Department of Tourism Serang make Rawa Dano as a scenic attraction.
rawadano tourist
Rawa Dano charm possessed a lake at the foot of a hill or mountain. If the sun is shining brightly, it would seem marsh in the distance. Verdant expanse of water that looks, on various types of plants growing around the water.
rawadano banten


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