The Beauty of Surfing in Indonesia

Magazine Gatra in its November 2014 edition reported top ten surfing spots in Indonesia. These spots mostly along the coastal areas facing Indian Ocean spreading from Northern part of Sumatra Island to Rote Island in The Nusa Tenggara Timur Province. 
In the Sumatra Island, you have Lokhnga Beach in Aceh Province, Nias Island, Mentawai Island, and Panaitan Island. In the eastern part of Java Island, you can depend on beaches at Plengkung, Banyuwangi and Watu Karung in Pacitan Regency. Nias, Mentawai, Uluwatu is a world-class tourist destination, where travelers can surf all year round.
Small miracle for surfers all over the world to flock to Indonesia to embrace the challenging waves and spectacular beaches that offer this beautiful island.
Here, surfers who come never absent "riding" the waves of the sea. So, grab your surfboard! Come and discover what has been the experience of other surfers felt here. That one of the best places to surf in Indonesia actually have amazing waves in the world.
 the beauty of surfing
When you are in Bali, the best surfing spots are in Uluwatu and Lembongan. When you go to the Nusa Tenggara Timur Province, you must go to Nihiwatu in Sumba Barat and Nembrala Beach in Rote Island. unfortunately, Tanjung Setia in Lampung Province this magazine missed in its coverage on tropical paradise in Indonesia.
surfing uluwatu in bali


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