Anyer beach is located in District Anyer, Serang. Meanwhile, the beach is located in District Carita Carita, Pandeglang. If you depart from Jakarta, the location is closer to reach the beach resort of Anyer Carita beach instead. Carita beach attractions are a little further because the beach directly facing the Sunda Strait.
Anyer i'm Banten area is approximately 160 km from Jakarta and takes about 2-2.5 hours drive to get there. If you use a private car to go to a beach resort in Anyer, Cilegon then can choose or pass through the park. Faster path is through Cilegon. Bring your car out in the West Cilegon toll booth, and will meet the road forked, or direction toward Merak Anyer.
One of the charms of Anyer beach is a view of Mount Krakatoa, you can clearly see the mountains from the coast of Anyer. And of course, the beautiful beach panorama with the characteristics of white sand beaches and cool air are the hallmarks of this beach resort in Anyer.
Anyer beach tourist spot is actually composed of a number of beaches. Because the beaches are located in the District Anyer, then known as the coast of Anyer. If you arrive at Anyer, you will know that the beaches in Anyer has his name respectively. To be sure, all of these beaches are in the same coastline.
if you want to search for water sports, such as swimming and surfing, then this is a suitable beach. Beach with white sand can also be a place to play, or even enjoy the beautiful panorama of the beach.
Located right next to the beach Sambolo, living along the coastline you will find this beach. Named Marbella beach because it is located right in front of the Hotel Marbella.
Here, you can enjoy cool air Cibeureum beach. A suitable place to relax.
The Marina beach offers water games and water sports if that's what you want. On this beach, a selection of water sports and games more than those in Sambolo Beach.
- White Sand Beach Florida in Anyer
if you want to enjoy the beauty of the sunset at Anyer beach, then this is the place to visit in the beach resort of Anyer you. Log in here enough to pay the entrance fee of Rp 10,000 and you can enjoy the beautiful coastal scenery. If you prefer, you can also play around on the shoreline or even playing volleyball with friends. This beach has sand that is wider than the other beaches in Anyer.
Of a number of beaches in Anyer, this stretch of beach sand is whiter and smoother. The beach is still in original condition, therefore, has a beautiful panoramic beauty. You should visit this beach in Anyer beach tour. From the direction toward Anyer to Carita, this beach is located about 15 minutes after Karang Bolong beach.