Tanjung Setia Beach, A Hidden Paradise for Surfers in West Lampung

Located along the coast of west Lampung which remote and outside forest dense Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park, lies a hidden paradise in the charming sea side. This beautiful place called Tanjung Setia Beach. Although not so well known but the waves on the Tanjung Setia Beach touted as one of the best waves in the world by surfers from all over the world.
surfer tanjung setia
This beach is best visited during the months of June to August because the waves are very nice. In that month, the waves can be as high as 6-7 meters and with a length of 200 meters. Truly a gem for lovers of surfing. Due to big waves, the play here is a professional surfer. 
Surfing at Tanjung Setia
Away from the beach and the waves are high, off Tanjung Setia Beach has calm waters. This is where the diving lovers and anglers gathered, both crawl the content of the ocean is so beautiful.
Surfing at Tanjung Setia
Amazing phenomenon that should not be missed is at sunset. Orange sky met with large waves really can make you endlessly amazed. Especially while watching the surfers who are still busy playing in the sea, it was the beauty of the coastal headlands loyal Lampung.
sunset Tanjung Setia Lampung


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