Under the Sea Heaven of Raja Ampat in West Papua

Raja Ampat is a district with an area of ​​more than 4.5 million acres, and is located to the west of the Kepala Burung of West Papua. 85% of the district is the ocean, the rest are islands of more than 600 islands. Of the 600 islands, there are 4 major islands, namely Misool Island, Island Waigeo, Batanta Island, and Salawati Island.
Interested Raja Ampat

In addition to the four islands, only 35 islands in the Raja Ampat Islands are inhabited, the rest was inhabited by people. Only about 400 islands in the Raja Ampat Islands-has been explored, the rest is still not touched by humans at all.
wisat populer raja ampat papua barat

The name of Raja Ampat comes from the local stories. According to the story, there was a woman who found seven eggs fruit. The eggs are then hatched, 4 of which hatches into a prince, while three other eggs hatch into a woman, a stone, and ghosts. 4 The prince became king in each island, namely Misool Island, Island Waigeo, Batanta Island, and Salawati Island and eventually referred to as Raja Ampat.
Raja Ampat archipelago

Raja Ampat Islands have the potential of nature tourism that is extraordinary. Tourist attractions in West Papua is very famous for its underwater tour which is one of the best dive sites in the world because of the completeness and the diversity of its underwater flora and fauna.
underground tour sea Raja Ampat

Based on the research results, the Raja Ampat Islands have 75% of all coral species in the world. There is no other place in the world that has a number of coral species that much in a relatively small okasi. With the number of coral species in Raja Ampat Islands, automatically there are also many species of reef fish. In addition you can also meet with manta rays, dugongs, sea horses, barkuda fish , reef sharks, turtles, tuna, and others.
underwater beauty of Raja Ampat
The remnants of the Second World War can also be found in the waters of Raja Ampat Islands, for example, the wreckage of war near Wai Island.


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