Jayawijaya Peak, The Only Snowy Spot in Indonesia
Attractions at Jayawijaya Peak Papua - Jayawijaya Mountains is one of Indonesia's natural tourist attractions worth of a visit.This is because the wonders that exist in the Jayawijaya mountain itself. Jayawijaya is a series of mountain chains that line and stretch extending from the province of Papua to New Guinea.
Prior to the unification of West Papua with our country "Indonesia", mountains Jayawijaya is better known by the term or the name of the Orange Mountains. Among the rows of this mountain has a height of up to 4,800 meters above sea level point, the highest peak of the mountain Jayawijaya in Indonesia formed by the removal of the sea floor thousands of years old.
In the mountains you can also find fossilized sea shells, as can be seen limestone. What's interesting is the wijaya glorious mountains of snow that was on top of the mountain. How not, as the State has a tropical climate, the snow is something that is impossible, but you can feel the sensation of snows, like in State erepa through this mountain.
Although there is snow on the mountain tops this Jayawijaya not cover all parts of the mountaintop. However, there is snow in the mountains Jayawijaya is eternal snow that does not depend on the weather.
For lovers of mountain, peak tourist Jaya Wijaya can certainly give the impression of a very, very valuable. Well interested visited this wijaya glorious mountains, please prepare the transport money from now. [Source]