Mega Tour Ocarina - Batam, Riau Islands

Tourist attractions in Batam : Cloudy Batam city hovering in the sky this afternoon, did not dampen my intention to invite my family to visit one of the resorts on the island of Batam. yes one of the resorts in Batam, located in the heart of government office complex.

Coastarina at night in Batam Island.
With its location adjacent to the international ferry port my view not only spoiled by the beauty of the coast but occasionally spoiled by passing ferry that brought the foreign and domestic entrants such as Singapore and Malaysia. It turns out that the island of Batam is not only famous for the industry but also a lot of the island of Batam Attraction beauty store. Proved by the ocarina batam beach resorts.
A place where playing in Ocarina.

Ferry passing by Ocarina.
Ocarina Batam not only presents a beautiful beach resort, but this tourist spot also provides a vehicle for children's play area as well as adults, so natural that the end of the week ocarina tourist attractions visited by tourists within and outside the country.

The Giant Wheel at night in Batam Island.
One of the rides that you must try is the Giant wheel, because the stupid ride Giant wheel you will see the beauty of all the tourist attractions ocarina with a height of about 30 meters. With the beauty of the tourist attractions in time Ocarina dusk, loss if I did not capture the moments that rarely I get. because the activities that forced me rarely visited tourist attractions.[Source]

Enjoying Coffee at Fatmawati in Ocarina.


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