Superb marine life in Indonesian waters: Inhibitants of Indonesia's Reef.

Underwater in Indonesia is probably the most exciting marine life in the World.  According to Periplus Travel Guides (1990,33) Indonesian waters provide the richest marine habitat as there is a wide variety of habitats across the islands from deep sea trenches, rocky shores, sand and mud flats, sea grass beds, mangrove swamps and coral reefs.

It is predicted that around 3000 species of fish, and several hundred species of coral populate the reefs off the larger Indonesian Islands. No marine survey yet could come up with exact numbers of animal species in Indonesia waters. Generally speaking, divers will encounter the following  groups of animal :
  • Algae;
  • Plankton;
  • Sponges;
  • Coral and their relatives;
  • Anemones;
  • Worms;
  • Molluscs;
  • Nudibrachs and snails;
  • Rock shells;
  • Triton;
  • Cone shells;
  • Clams and oysters;
  • Cephalopods;
  • Octopi;
  • squid;
  • Crustaceans;
  • Shrimps;
  • Crabs;
  • Echinoderms ( Starfish, Brittle stars, the sea feather, Sea urchins,Sea cucumbers,Sea Squirts);
  • Marine reptiles (Sea turtlr, Sea snake, Crocodile);
  • Marine mammals (Doplhins,Whales,Dugongs);
  • Fishes (Sharks, Rays, Eels, Seahorses and Pipefish, Scorpionfish, Groupers, Jacks, Snappers and sweetlips, Batfishes, Butterflyfishes, Angelfishes, Dasefish, Wrasses, Parrotfish, Barracudas, Blennies, Dartfishes, Gobies, Surgeonfish, Moorish idol and Rabbitfishes, Tuna and Mackerels, triggerfish, Puffers, Nocturnal fish); 
     Source : Periplus Travel Guide (1990), youtube


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