Visit Beautiful Beaches in Indonesia.

Pink Beach,Komodo Island. Indonesia is indeed a fascinating country comprising of a vast archipelago of  more than 17,000 islands, stretching  over 3,181 miles from east to west. No wander that Indonesia is also called as a necklace of equatorial emeralds .  with such an extensive coasline, Indonesia boasts as one of the longest coastlines in the world. According to the Indonesian Ministry of Tourism, the country's coastline stretches for approximately 54,716 kilometers (34,000 miles), which is indeed one of the longest coastlines in the world. According to Wikipedia, the fourth longest in the world with over 80,000 kilometers (50,000 miles). Indonesia is home to some of the most stunning beaches in the world. Tripadvisor just announced its top picks the best beaches in the world for 2025. And the winner is Elafonissi beach in Crete, Greece. Among the Top 10 world beaches, Indonesia contributes Kelingking beach in Nusa Penida, Bali to the world. Kelingking  Beach is...

Tourist Destinations in Jambi Province

The Remains of Buddhist Temple in Muar jambi
Mayang Mangurai Park
The park is located in Telanaipura sub-district, 6 miles from Jambi City. The traditional house museum located in the park has a collection of  the wedding custom clothing, bridal equipment, foreign ceramics and others.

Professor Dr Sri Soedewi Maschun Sofwan, SH Orchard Park.

The orchard park is located in Telaniapura sub-district, 6 miles from Jambi City. With a  a total area of ​​25,056 m2, the park is collecting orchids of local and abroad origins.

Taman Rimba Aneka Ria

The park covers  an area of 36 ha, many big shady trees are grown here. it is around 7 km from the City of Jambi.

Danau Sipin 

LOCATION: 5.5 km ddari jambi.keteranga city: merupakn lake blend Reviews These two streams both for recreation.

State Museum of Jambi

LOCATION: kec.telanaipura, 5 km from the city of Jambi. Description: A collection of various objects museums sejarah.luas 4,000 m2 building.

Hutan Bulian Indah

LOCATION: kec.sridadi.kabupaten Batanghari.70 km from the city of Jambi. Explanation of: in this region there is wood Bulian bnyak endangered.

Candi Muara Jambi

Muara jambi Temple is located in Muara jambi village, Sekernan Sub-district, 20 km from the City of Jambi.  

Taman Wisata Indah Setiti
It is in Jambi Sub-districts outside Setiti village, 19 km from the city of Jambi.  The park which was built by private parties is ideal for recreation of children and families. 

Air terjun Tegan Kiri 

The water fall is located in  Rantau Pandan Subdistrict, 289 km from the city of Jambi. The Water fall in this bathing area is approximately 17 meters .

Old Village Rantau Panjang
This village is around 40 km from the city of  Jambi. In this area, there are approximately 30 traditional houses that are large and hundred years of age. The houses also keep sacred items.

National Park Bukit Dua Belas

LOCATION: Pauh sub-district, 50 km from the city jambi. It covers an area of  28.703 ha dedicated as nature reserve area  and for the ​​development of isolated tribe.

Air terjun Sigerincik

LOCATION: Subdistrict cangkat, 430 miles fromthe  city of Jambi.The waterfall is 35 meters in height  from water streams originating from the mountain of Masurai.

Danau Pauh

LOCATION: Subdistrict ford 102 km from the town jambi.alam around the lake is still beautiful and indah.luas lake approximately 80 ha with an altitude of approximately 1,200 meters above sea level.

Danau Depati Empat

LOCATION: ford sub-district, 411 km from the city of Jambi. Description: lake with beautiful nature and the water is clear and is located in the height of 1.500 meters above sea level and approximately 750 ha wide.

Gunung Sumbing

LOCATION: Subdistrict ford 95 km from the city jambi. This mountain region in the area of ​​wildlife and habitat development .macan pohon.kijang elephants and others.

Air Panas Hitam Hulu

LOCATION: Subdistrict veil. 50 km from the city springs used to cure society. Leather and so on.

Sungai Batang Asai

LOCATION: Subdistrict assay rod 110 km from the city jambi. swift and rocky watershed Often used for boat races.

Gua Alam Luwah Maro. 

LOCATION: sai village banyan estuary Subdistrict bungo .291 km from the city of Jambi. Description: This cave Inhabited by swallows that have a lot of benefits for local residents.

Taman Hutan Raya

LOCATION: Lake sei bengkal.150 miles from city jambi. The large garden of 610 is grown by many kinds of rare tree species. 

Kubu Tribes
LOCATION: Tebo Subdistrict downstream deas sei Bengkal, 135 km from the city of Jambi. Description: The number of children in this tribe is estimated 500-800 people. 

Danau Kerinci.
LOCATION: Lake Kerinci subdistricts. 20 km from the town jambi. The lake is situated at an altitude of approximately 783 meters above sea level and extent of approximately 5,000 ha. This area is a natural bathing place, photograpi and recreation areas. 

Danau Tujuh Gunung  
LOCATION: Subdistrict kerinei mountain, 55 km from the city of Jambi. Description: lake surrounded by seven mountain peaks with an altitude of 1996 meters above sea level and an area of ​​1,000 ha and a depth of 40 meters .danau comes from cleaning crater containing fresh water, and the water surrounding sejuk.di many wild Reviews such animals as tigers, wild goat, gibbons and various types of birds.

Kerinci National Park.

LOCATION: Mountain Subdistrict Subdistrict kerinci.55 km from the city of Jambi. Description: This  area of fauna and flora is very specific, with fantastic natural panorama. In the vicinity of the Kerinci National Park IS ALSO A lake thunder with a height of 2000m above sea level .other areas that nature has not been much in the know people. 

Semurup Hotsprings.
LOCATION: Subdistrict warm water 11 km from the city Jambi. Natural hot water the which covers approximately 15 meters. Square and smelling belerang.daerah bustling tourist visit. 

Air Terjun Telun Berasap
LOCATION: Mount Kerinci sub-district, 59 km from the city of Jambi.Telun Berasap waterfall is located in the park area of ​​the Kerinci. 

Gua Kasah.
LOCATION: Mountain Subdistrict kerinci.555 miles from city of Jambi. Inside the cave there is a seat made of stone.

Berbak National Park.
LOCATION: Nypa Subdistrict panjang.60 miles from city jambi. The garden become terminal of millions of birds from Australia to Siberia and tropical fauna and flora become, by international biologists '' called, 'genetic resources' world. 

Pulau Berhala
LOCATION: Nypa Subdistrict long, 35 hours from the city of  Jambi.white sandy beach area and corals made into a beautiful panorama. 


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