Welcome to Kota Tua, Old City of Jakarta.

As the capital city of Infonesia, DKI Jakarta presents not only modern man-made tourist destinations like shopping centers, theme parks, it also has "Old City"  area as a unique object of tourism. 
Map of Old City or Kota Tua Jakarta.
Jakarta Old City, also known as Old Batavia (Oud Batavia), is a small area in Jakarta, Indonesia. This particular region has an area of 1.3 square kilometers across the North Jakarta and West Jakarta.The area of Old City extends from coastal area of Sunda Kelapa port to Glodok.

Museum of Fatahillah in Old City, Kota Tua, Jakarta.
The Administration of DKI Jakarta has revitalized many exotic old buildings in Old City to be preserved  as tourist attractions.The most famous part of Old City is  Museum Sejarah Jakarta  or the Museum of Jakarta History and its vicinity since along with the Museum of Fatahillah, these buildings are the epicentrum of the Old City.

The Museum of Fatahillah is located in Jalan Fatahillah No.1, thus it is named after the road of its location. In the colonial era, this building functioned as city hall, court, and underground jail. Outside, there is a an open space field used to be an execution field of  death penalty.This three levels colonial building keep around 25,000 historical items. Among the collections, visitors can find the history of Jakarta, previously known as Jayakarta in 1527. 

Museum of Central Bank of Indonesia.
This museum is a block away from the Museum of Central Bank of Indonesia and the Museum of Mandiri Bank. The Museum of Central Bank of Indonesia was functioned as hospital but then became the office of De Javasche Bank in 1828. 

Museum of Mandiri Bank.
The Museum of Mandiri Bank was originally used by regional office of Nederlandsche Handel Matschappij (NHM) for Far Eastern India. This building was officially openned by CJ Karel Van Aalst, the Tenth President of NHM on January 4, 933. The museum exhibits all items used by the Bank from the colonial times.
Puppetry Museum.
Other object of tourist attraction close by is Museum Wayang or Puppetry and Museum Seni Rupa dan Keramik or Fine Arts and Ceramics. The museum of Fine Arts and Ceramics  is dedicated especially to the display of traditional fine arts and ceramics of Indonesia. The Wayang Museum  is a museum dedicated to Javaness puppetry. Both museum is located near jakarta History Museum.

As an important city and commerce hub in Asia since the 16th century, Old City of  Jakarta is home to many other important historical sites and buildings wort of visiting:
Source: wikipedia.org


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