Visit Beautiful Beaches in Indonesia.

Pink Beach,Komodo Island. Indonesia is indeed a fascinating country comprising of a vast archipelago of  more than 17,000 islands, stretching  over 3,181 miles from east to west. No wander that Indonesia is also called as a necklace of equatorial emeralds .  with such an extensive coasline, Indonesia boasts as one of the longest coastlines in the world. According to the Indonesian Ministry of Tourism, the country's coastline stretches for approximately 54,716 kilometers (34,000 miles), which is indeed one of the longest coastlines in the world. According to Wikipedia, the fourth longest in the world with over 80,000 kilometers (50,000 miles). Indonesia is home to some of the most stunning beaches in the world. Tripadvisor just announced its top picks the best beaches in the world for 2025. And the winner is Elafonissi beach in Crete, Greece. Among the Top 10 world beaches, Indonesia contributes Kelingking beach in Nusa Penida, Bali to the world. Kelingking  Beach is...

The Eldest son of The President of Indonesia Jokowi Married

The happy family of Jokowi as his son, Gibran, got married (Detiknews).
Jokowi, the President of Indonesia, June 11st 2015 had his first son, Gibran Rakabuming Raka married to Selvi in Solo, Central Java, Indonesia. The wedding procession was conducted in Solo Javanese tradition. The procession started from "Pasang Tarub" or the installment of tents to "Ijab" or a wedding registration in accordance with Islamic religion followed by a civil registration which makes the couple legally husband and wife.

Javanese tradition expert, KPA Winarso Utomo, commented on detikcom, Monday (8/6/2015) night that the wedding ceremony of the President' s son was not in order judging from the royal tradition and fine as long as beyond royal circle. On account of simplicity, common Javanese people do not need to follow strict order and and perform only important stages.

In Solo Javanese tradition,  wedding ceremony ritual takes a very long time,about one week. This traditional ceremony performed on a blue-blooded bride and gentility. But today many are doing traditional wedding ceremony procession bride Solo although not gentility, only merely want to perform Javanese culture. Surakarta Traditional Wedding Ceremony  begins with Rasulan, that is praying, begging permission to spirits who have gone before so as not to interfere so that the event can run smoothly. But  Some do not perform Rasulan stage. Then proceed with the installation of tents or Tratag that have meaning so that the house be wide, as well as the installation of Bleketepe or Tuwuhan event that signaled the host is holding a celebration.

The procession is the first of a string of Solo traditional marriage o, Showering is a show performed by the bride and groom both women and men together in a separate place. The intent of this event is that both bride completely clean of all things and ready to ship sailed home.Taken to spray water from seven springs. Who do splash to the bride and groom are a parent, grandparent elder daughters and odd number.

Before the Siraman is done, bride do "sungkeman" to parents and grandparents daughter followed by providing tangible pesingan or popokan pair of fabric or fabric and kebaya.After the Siraman is done, usually bride-held or sandwiched between the parents towards the bridal chamber. After the bride clean themselves, the parents cut bride hair then placed in a small bowl.

The next event of the procession Surakarta Traditional Wedding Ceremonies are sharing kreweng with guests where both parents bride perform selling Dodol Dawet meaning that so many guests would come to the house of the bride to give a blessing.This was followed by the cutting of Nasi Tumpeng or cone shaped rice wherein the cone pieces will be fed to the bride by the parents as much as three mouthful interchangeably. Then followedn by planting of hair cut of both bride. 

Midodareni  is a family introduction event between the two sides carried out on the night before the ceremony. Bride asked for prayers to the 11 religious scholars or ulemas for blessing. In Midodareni, it is believed an angel downs that have meaning so that the bride as beautiful as an angel. The prospective bride's parents give studs bight to the groom to wear at the ceremony. Then proceed with mejemukan event, namely the elderly woman's question to the bride. 

Akad Nikah
When performing the marriage ceremony, the groom comes to the bride's residence by way of the horse riding halfway house palace escorted by soldiers as many as 21 soldiers who uses a sword to the accompaniment of the sound of gamelan and drums to set the steps of soldiers who are guarding the king one day.In the traditional ceremony Kraton Surakarta Sultanate, when the bride and groom do not sit together in Hijab Kabul. Implementation of the hijab granted only by the groom who gave dowry such as money, gold and set of tools prayer witnessed by the father and guardian, KUA officials and the prince of the palace. 

Before the ceremony began, the parents of the bride went to her daughter's room for the bride and groom intend to ask for permission to get married to his parents. Clothing worn by the bride is Dodot Kampuh Bango Blind derived from Kraton Surakarta Sultanate. 

After the completion of the marriage ceremony followed by a Panggih ceremony. The bride and groom walk to the Panggih place slowly and throwing betel directed to the chest of each bride. 

The next event is Injak Wiji Dadi atau Injak Telur. The groom stepped on an egg that has been provided and the bride washed his feet which symbolizes the loyalty of a wife to her husband.After the father of the bride putting fabric on the back sindur both families headed krobongan. In krobongan, the bride and groom and parents take off slippers and walk quietly, the event Weigh or pangkon where the groom sit in the left thigh and the bride sitting in the thigh right of the father of the bride. The meaning of this event is the child's parents and the law does not distinguish. 

Next is Tandur event where the father of the bride holds the groom's right shoulder and left shoulder bride to then sit both and berduduk sila or crossed-legs. Then proceed with the tasting salad three spoons.Traditional wedding ceremony performed next is Acara Kacar Kucur  where the groom pour up to rich sindur the lap of the bride. The point is that in married life, the husband is the task of providing for his wife. 

The next event of Customary Marriage Ceremony Solo is Dhahar Klimah, namely the bride and groom feed each other three each lump of punar rice. After that the bride and groom each clean their hands and continued with drinking water. Meaning that both families continue to live in harmony, helping each other and love each other.Furthermore, Acara Tilik Pilik to pick up the gromm's parents at the entrance to be escorted to the altar and be seated next to the bride and groom and continued with sungkeman in krobongan to both parents of the bride and groom. The event ended with the awarding of congratulations and prayers to the bride and parents.


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