Virtual Museum Completed in 2016.

Museum Nasional, Jakarta.
Development of virtual museum in National Museum, Jakarta and Museum of Sangiran, Central Java, is scheduled to complete in 2016. Visitors from al over the world with internet access can browse both museum virtually.

Development concept started in 2014 with two pioneer museums : National Museum and Museum of Sangiran.  Virtual museum enables any body to watch a variety of historical object collection in these museums. Thereby, domestic students from Nanggroe Aceh Darusslam (NAD) to Papua, who may have obstacles coming to Jakarta and Central java, can view both museums through Internet. Globally, students from any corner of the world also may take advantage of this modern facilities.

Despite the development on going,  the appearance of National Museum and Museum of Sangiran is already on internet. National Museum can be viewed at, while Museum of Sangiran both sites present panoramic picture concept of 360 degrees. Video and thee dimension objects are also available to show detail of every collection.

Source: Kompas, November 28, 2015.


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