Visit "Old City" of Jakarta : Toko Merah

Toko Merah, a legacy of the Dutch colonisation.
Toko Merah or "red store" is a legacy of the Dutch colonial building located on the west bank of Kali Besar, Jakarta Old Town. Built in 1730 and is one of the oldest buildings in Jakarta. The building was once the residence of Governor General van Imhoff (1705-1751).  

Toko Merah building located at Jl. Kali Besar No. 11, West Jakarta. From a business standpoint, Toko Merah precisely located on the west bank of Kali Besar (de Groote River), as the "central business district" her Batavia. At that time the Ciliwung River is the lifeblood of the busy water traffic up to the inland navigable. Kali Besar neighborhood itself is one of the elite residential area in the city of Old Batavia.

In its history, the function and ownership of the two-floored building changed over time. it was used as the campus and dormitory of Academie de Marine (Naval Academy), office, even Heerenlogement  or hotel for government officials. The name of "Toko Merah" was inscripted into the luxurious building when used as  a store owned by a chiness businessmen, Oey Liauw Kong since the middle of 19 centuries. 

Source: Kompas, Friday, January 8, 2016.


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