Tongkonan Houses in Tana Toraja.

South Sulawesi is scheduled to host Toraja Marathon 2016 on  August 13th. Toraja tourism Marathon sport event in 2016 is the first ever held. The event is targeting to around 1,000 participants to compete in four categories of competition, 5K, 10K, 21K and 42k. The registration has started open from March 2016 though website at

The pilot event of sport tourism in Tana Toraja is aimed at promoting tourist destination in North Toraja Regency.The track would pass through the mountainous region of Kartz in Bantimurung Bulurasaung which is a cluster of existing Kartz, the second largest in the world after China. 

The runners will pass through the stone garden that is unique, rice fields and small rivers. The  trail run is the first time in South Sulawesi and a series of tourism innitited by the Department of Culture and Tourism of South Sulawesi.  

Event Ramang Ramang Trail Run is a supporting event of the circuit-Ramang Ramang which is held every year in the village of Berua, Maros Regency. At the finish area later participants will be served a variety of performances and typical food kampung Berua to show the atmosphere of rural life.
 In addition, a few days after the Marathon will be held International Toraja Toraja Festival that brings musical performances by hundreds of ethnic musicians from around the world. You could say this is a dress rehearsal before watching the International Festival Toraja. for more information visit



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