Culinary Tourism in Palembang : Legendary Noodles " Mie Celor 26 Ilir HM Syafei Z.".

Popular Culinary tourism in Palembang is not only Empe Empek or, known as Pempek. Have you ever heard of "Mie Celor" in Palembang? There are many other delicious foods that make Palembang proud of, one of which is Mie celor. A visit to Palembang is not complete without tasting the special noodle called Mie Celor.

Mie Celor is the noodles that have a very delicious taste and delicious to eat. You will notice that the noodles used are usually larger than regular noodles, usually the same size as Aceh noodles. As traditional food, Mie Celor is noodles served in a mixture of coconut milk and  dried shrimp or "ebi" broth, mixed with bean sprouts and served with sliced eggs, sprinkled with sliced celery, spring onions and fried onions. Depending on consumer preference, chilly sauce and fish crackers are  added to give the best sensation of enjoying "Mie Celor".



Actually Mie Celor are quite easy to find in palembang. In fact, the well known  "Mie Celor" in Palembang is Mie Celor 26 Ilir HM Syafei Z, commonly known as "Mie Celor 26". The Name refers to the owner and inventor of the recipe  and the location of his first store in 26 Ilir Palembang. The famous Mi Celor has been around since the 1950s. For the location of Mie Celor H. M. Syafei, there are several locations such as 26 Ilir, Mujahidin Street, Merdeka Street, Akhmad Dahlan Street and Kenten.Its operating hours are from 6.00 WIB to 18.30 WIB.How much is the the price of Mie Celor? The price starts from Rp. 22 thousand a portion. You will have a standard dish as above  but cost you more as you ask for fish crackers and drinks.


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