Welcome To Jember Fashion Carnival International Event 2016.

Annual event of the World Class Street Fashion Carnival, Jember Fashion Carnaval, is back this year in its 15th in Jember from August 24 to August 28, 2016.  This year the fashion carnival is held with  an umbrella theme of " R E V I V A L" consisting of 10 unique themes and diferent from the themes  of the previous year, including GARUDA, REFUGEES, OLYMPIC, HORTUS, CHANDELIERS, WOODS, OCEAN, TECHNOCYBER, PARADISEAE and BARONG.

The agenda starting from August 24, 2016 including :
  • KIDS CARNIVAL on August 25, 2016: exhibited by children with  carnival costumes with route starting at Jl. Sudirman , Jl. Sultan Agung, Gajah Mada, and finish at SMP Santo Petrus;
  • ARTWEAR CARNIVAL on August 26, 2016 : FALL WINTER special performing art that will be exhibited by models with route  starting at Jl. Sudarman, Jl. Sultan Agung, Jl. Gajah Mada, and finish at AULA PTPN XII;
  • WONDERFUL ARCHIPELAGO CARNIVAL INDONESIA (WACI) on August 27, 2016 :Special performing art cultural beauty of Indonesia, which is packaged in the form of carnival and will be demonstrated by representatives of the provinces in Indonesia with route starting at  Jl. Sudarman, Jl. Sultan Agung, Jl. Gajah Mada, and finish at AULA PTPN XII;
  • GRAND CARNIVAL on August 28, 2016 :JFC-15 REVIVAL SHOW TIME is a top event of JFC INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION. STREET FASHION with catwalk along
    Jl. Sudarman (start), Jl. Sultan Agung, Jl. Gajah Mada, VERSATILE BUILDING (finish).


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