Historical Buildings and Sites in Jakarta: Gedung Kesenian Jakarta.

When you are looking for an art performance theater in Jakarta,  Gedung Kesenian Jakarta (GKJ), or Jakarta Art Performance Theater is a good choice. Besides enjoying art performance where artists from all over the archipelago show art performances  such as drama, theater, film, literature, and so forth, you can also learn a lot from its past as it has a long history dating back from the British occupation in Indonesia. 

The idea to build a theater in Batavia (now Jakarta) back in 1814 when the British occupied the island of Java. Governor Sir Stamford Raffles was aware that British soldiers should have a place of entertainment, and eventually built a building with a capacity of 250 people. The building was unimpressive as it made of bamboos, and officially opened on October 27, 1814. This form of theater was far from good but  achieved its objectives as an  entertainment building first  entertaining British soldiers.

When the Dutch came and colonized Batavia, the entire building was demolished and rebuilt with the name "Schouwburg" (theater building in Dutch). Schouwburg, as a theater was qualified with Roccoco architecture and popular neo-Greek style  at that time, was officially opened in December 1821. For more than 100 years Schouwburg became a theater for performances of art.

Source: http://www.gedungkesenianjakarta.co.id


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