Visit Tourist Destinations in East Nusa Tenggara : Padar Island

Padar Island is the third largest island in the Komodo National Park, after the Komodo, and Rinca. Padar Island is  not as famous as Komodo or Rinca, but its beauty is not less than these islands. The Location of Padar Island is closer to Rinca Island compared to Komodo Island and is separated by Selat Lintah.

As part of the Komodo National Park, Padar Island is also a UNESCO World Heritage Site, along with the island of Komodo, Rinca and Gili Mota. Althought in the Komodo National Park, the Komodo dragon is no where can be found here.Around the island, there are also three or four small islands  each with a unique panoramic view. In Padar Island, you will find pink beach that is suitable for swimming, snorkeling, or just strolling along the beach.

Visitors can also climb the hill on the island of Padar to enjoy the panoramic view from the top. Blue sea and surrounding islands will hypnotize visitors.  

Although trekking towards the highest hill will be very tiring, but visitors will be presented with a panorama of rolling hills and scenery was gorgeous and capturing the moments would not be boring activities during a trekking trip.

If you are planning to visit the Komodo National Park, try to stop for a moment on this island, tranquility and its beauty will make you linger on this island.


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