Water Sport Activities in Bali : Take An Introduction Course Into Scuba Diving in Tanjung Benoa

As a prime destination of tourism in Indonesia, Bali also offers excellent facilities of water sport activities including training of scuba diving for beginners. For lovers of the underwater natural beauty, the island is a major destination for diving.

There are some famous dive sites in Bali, with the beauty of the underwater scenery, among others:
  • Sanur.
  • Menjangan Island, West Bali.
  • Amed Karangasem.
  • Tulamben, Karangasem.
  • Labuhan Amuk. (Tourism Submarine, Odyssey Submarine)
  • Padang Bai.
  • Tanjung Benoa Beach, Nusa Dua.
Tanjung Benoa Beach is the most visited by tourists, both domestic and international, for water sport activities. It's because the location of Tanjung Benoa beach is very close from Ngurah Rai airport, and is in the center of tourism zone in Southern Bali.

Beginner divers will always choose the Tanjung Benoa beach for diving locations in Bali. Due to the location of the dive in Tanjung Benoa can be dived in all seasons of the year, and has a calm sea conditions, and is suitable for beginners.

Surely to those who do not dare to undertake the activities intro in scuba diving in Bali, you can try out other water sport activities in Tanjung Benoa, Bali like snorkeling or Underwater Walk in Tanjung Benoa.
A Briefing by  A Scuba diving Instructor.
 Are you are a beginner in the activity of scuba diving and are interested to dive in Tanjung Benoa? If so, then for beginners in diving, before making a diving activity you will be given brief instructions, and introduction into scuba dive for lower level or beginner. Moreover, it will provide one with dive guide, to accompany the beginner diver on the seabed.
After the briefing, Participants walk to the boat.

The process of the scuba diving starts with an introduction of diving equipment, such as oxygen cylinders, wetsuits, shoes frog legs, masks, and other equipment that met international standards. Then it will be introduced how to swim, as well as breathing techniques in the sea.

A motorized boat, will lead the participants to dive out to sea. Guide who is experienced and trained, will show the location of the dive, which has a beautiful underwater scenery. Ornamental fish, coral reefs are pristine and the variety of beautiful  underwater life , participants can enjoy a 30-minute dive in the sea. Do not miss out this opportunity of enjoying the beauty of a charming sea waters while you are in Bali.
Sea Walk Activity.


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