Historical Buildings and Sites in Jakarta: Gedung Mahkamah Agung.

Gedung Mahkamah Agung is a building of Hoogerechtshof (Supreme Court) built as ordered by Herman Williem Daendels (1762-1818), the 36-Governor General in the Dutch Indies.The building lied to the north of Gedung Departemen Keuangan ( The Ex - Palace of Governor General) and now belongs to the Ministry of Finance. 

This building is part of Palace of Governor General and the construction was completed in 1928 at the time of Du Bus. Inside this building there was a loji, a gathering place of the Theosofi De Ster in het Oosten or Eastern Star.

At the time of the VOC and the Netherlands, people who are in Batavia around Lapangan Banteng referred to this building as a hall where the secret meeting, other than that this building has also been used as a space where abuses of prisoners the Dutch government took place.In the span of December 12, 1947 - May 1, 1948, the Dutch government make this building as Hooggerechtshof (Supreme Court).Inside this building there is a detention room and the room for receiving guests.

The building lied to the north of Gedung Departemen Keuangan ( The Ex - Palace of Governor General) and now belongs to the Ministry of Finance.Currently the former Supreme Court building is known as Building Prijadi Praptosuhardjo II .In addition to the duties and functions in finance and wealth of the country, the Ministry of Finance has also shown real participation in the preservation of cultural heritage buildings in Indonesia. This is in line with the mandate of Law Number 10 Year 2010 on Heritage to maintain the existence of the Cultural Heritage and its value in a way to protect, develop, and exploit it.

Source: http://www.kemenkeu.go.id/Wide/sejarah-gedung


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