Visit Beautiful Beaches in Indonesia.

Pink Beach,Komodo Island. Indonesia is indeed a fascinating country comprising of a vast archipelago of  more than 17,000 islands, stretching  over 3,181 miles from east to west. No wander that Indonesia is also called as a necklace of equatorial emeralds .  with such an extensive coasline, Indonesia boasts as one of the longest coastlines in the world. According to the Indonesian Ministry of Tourism, the country's coastline stretches for approximately 54,716 kilometers (34,000 miles), which is indeed one of the longest coastlines in the world. According to Wikipedia, the fourth longest in the world with over 80,000 kilometers (50,000 miles). Indonesia is home to some of the most stunning beaches in the world. Tripadvisor just announced its top picks the best beaches in the world for 2025. And the winner is Elafonissi beach in Crete, Greece. Among the Top 10 world beaches, Indonesia contributes Kelingking beach in Nusa Penida, Bali to the world. Kelingking  Beach is...

Historical Buildings and Sites in Jakarta: Cafe Batavia.

Want to relax in an ambiance of old times in Batavia, now Jakarta, then Cafe Batavia is the right place. Cafe Batavia is a 1830s restaurant with architectural style of Indies Empire style. It is located in Kota Tua or Old Town of Jakarta, Indonesia at Jalan Pintu Besar Utara facing Taman Fatahillah. Administratively, Kota Tua lies in North Jakarta.  

The restaurant is among the many colonial landmarks in Batavia during the Dutch era.It stands in a historic building where when it was founded in 1850 this building was used as a VOC administration office.The building  is the second oldest building in the square, second only to the former City Hall building of Batavia  now known as the Jakarta History Museum.

In 1990 the building was purchased by Paul Hassan, a French national for use as an art gallery. Subsequently in 1991 the building was purchased by Graham James, an Australian national for use as a cafe and began operating for the public in 1993.

You can indulge your taste in Cafe Batavia as it sells a variety of foods from western and Asian cuisines. Not only enjoy the food, you can also enjoy the classic and luxurious restaurant atmosphere.Many restaurant visitors also capture the atmosphere of the restaurant by taking pictures in the corners of the restaurant.

Source: " Restoran Dengan Nuansa Belanda di Cafe Batavia Jakarta" Wartakota, 11 November 2017 


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