Tourist Destination in West Nusa Tenggara : Sade Village.

In addition to having a very beautiful and charming nature and coastal scenery, Lombok island also has a very diverse wealth of traditional culture.One of the cultural heritage in Lombok island and also well-preserved is a traditional Sasak village Sade. Sade is a traditional village of Sasak tribe in Lombok Island, West Nusa Tenggara, where its people maintains social system and practices  unique traditions in their daily life handed down since the reign of the Kingdom Pejanggik in Praya, Central Lombok regency until now.
Traditional House of Sasak Tribe in Sade.
Lombok and Sasak is inseparable. Lombok is a home to its people called as Sasak tribe. Once you entered Sade, a noticeable tradition of Sasak tribe is the architecture of Sasak Tribe's houses. Sasak's traditional building in Sade Lombok consists of two types called Bale Tani and Lumbung Pare, or Barn.

Lumbung Pare Welcome Visitors in Sade.
Bale Tani is a building used as a residence, and Lumbung Pare is a building used as a place to store grain, harvest or to store all the needs. Bale Tani is a traditional house of Sasak tribe with one door and without window. 
The Interior of Sasak House.
Bale Tani is made of woods with the roof made of straw and woven bamboo walls. its floor is made of clay mixed with buffalo dung and straw; the mixture makes the floor harden like cement. Other uniqueness found in the sasak's house is the application of buffalo or cow dung in cleaning the house but without the smell of any dirt.

The livelihoods of residents in the hamlet of Sade Lombok are farming and weaving.In general, men are mostly farmers and women working at home as weavers of cloth and sells the cloth to tourists. When weaving, they still use traditional looms. Their woven  products come as diverse as tablecloths, cloth gloves, songket, scarves, and others.

A Sasak Woman Weaving Lombok Fabrics.
Sade lies in Pujut District, Central Lombok Regency, West Nusa Tenggara. From Mataram City, you can drive for around 30 km to get to this village.To get to the location of Village Tourism in Central Lombok Sade, you have to travel from Mataram within two hours. If you want to ride public cars, you can choose transport with the direction of Mataram - Kuta. Meanwhile, when  from Lombok International Airport (BIL), it is only about 20-30 minutes by taxi.  Visit Sade and discover its uniqueness.



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