Wonderful Cirebon Festival
Cirebon has a rich cultural tradition and a unique, long history, good access, strong heritage and many attractions. Fetival pesona Cirebon or The Charm of Cirebon Festval introduces three key destinations of Cirebon : the historical Keraton Kasepuhan, Goa Sunyaragi Water Palace, and the coastal Cirebon. Showcasing Cirebon's potentials of traditional arts, local craftmanship, and authentic cuisine. The charm of Cirebon Festival presents photography, rowboat, and ngejala (netfishing) at Ade Irma Suryani Waterland. Cirebon Sports, Youth, Culture & Tourism office, Jala Sunan Drajat no.15, Cirebon, West Java Phone No. +62231321209; disbudparpora@cirebonkab.go.id.
Sungailiat Triathlon (April 22, 2017)
Currently gathering thousands of runners from more than 65 countries, the International Sungailat Triathlon is a triathlon race unlike any other. You will swim in the mild water of Matras Beach, and then enjoy a bike track with a dramatically stunning environment of the capital of Bangka Regency. The last run back is through Matras Beach where the festive post-race party is located. While Bangka Belitungis a charmingly backdrop for this competition, the route itself is no small challenge either, spanning a total of 113 km. While you'll have you stamina tested through three different ways of traveling , the appeal of this traithlon is the brand new mountain biking race category. Bigger than it ever was, Sungailiat Traithlon is surely an event to be enjoyed by every endurance-seeking athlete. Bangka Culture & Tourism Office, Jalan Jend A.Yani Jalur Dua, Sungailiat, Bangka, Bangka Belitung Islands. For more visit www.sungailiattriathlon.com
Jakarta International Handicraft Trade Fair (INACRAFT)
Jakarta International Handicraft Trade Fair is a 5 day event being held
from 26thth April to the 30th April 2017 at the Jakarta Convention
Center, Jakarta, Indonesia in Jakarta, Indonesia. This event showcases
products like trendy gift items, handicrafts, cigarettes and designer
lighters, candlesticks, flower vases etc. in the Gifts & Handicrafts
Geobike Caldera Toba (April 7-8, 2017)
With the Funbike concept introducing Geo area, Geo sites including geo diversity, Bio diversity, and Cultur diversity in Toba Caldera National Geopark. Specially for Mountain Bike, the distance takes approximately 135 km and registration is closed by March 30,2017. Visit http://tutoba.com/geo-bike-caldera-toba-2017/ for more information.
Halo Sultra (Kolaka, Southeast Sulawesi)
Halo Sultra, a short for Hello Southeast Sulawesi, is a joyful event dedicated to show the commodities and attractions of Southeast Sulawesi. Combining art, culture, modern civilization, and the creative economy of the locals in the region, this show is purely made to accentuate traditional values of Southeast Sulawesi through a selection of entertainments. The events will efature many amusements including traitional dance performances from around Southeast Sulawesi regions, a boat decoartion tournament, a carnival of weaving crafts and other cultural arts, fishing contest, and fireworks. Enjoy the cultural richness of the entire Southeast Sulawesi, packaged in one amazing festival. Kolaka Culture & Tourism Office, Jl.Pemuda No.140, Kolaka, Southeast Sulawesi, Phone No. +624052321083.
International Kampoeng Jazz
Created by students from Padjadjaran University, Faculty of Law, International kampoeng jazz has earned quite a name for itself. Originally made to present accomplishments from Padjadjaran University's art department, the musical events is centered on Jalan Dipatiukur, Bandung.Inviting the best artists from Indonesia and all over the worlds, International Kampoeng Jazz also spotlights other genres.Famous for having surprise guest starts to the stage, this festival is a battle cry from university students to fight for the conversation of arts among youth. With high spirit and positive energy, International Kampoeng Jazza is one of the best wayss to spend your day in Bandung.Adrress ; Faculty of Law, Padjadjaran University, Jalan Dipati Ukur No.35, Coblong, Bandung, West Java,Phone no. +6224220696.
Jakarta Fashion & Food Festival
The magnificient opening of Jakarta's Anniversary is at Kelapa Gading, North Jakarta. Obviously, Jakarta Fashion & Food Festival (JFFF) brings you the best of both worlds: fashion and culinary. Last year, there are moe than 100 cullinary busines owners that participated at the food festival, bringin more than 200 menus for you to taste. This event proceeds to expand each year as it brings you ore thanjust a fashion and foood event. With complmentarary art performances and a pyrotechnics display, the enthusiasm of the festival is significantly growing over the years. JFFF is definitely an event that you have to visit if you seek an all-around enjoyment for you and your loved ones.
Jogja Blues Explosion
As one of the most important cities in Indonesia for the creative development of all art platforms, Yogyakarta has never run out activities and artists. Providing spaces for musical performers and artists from Yogyakarta and Indonesia to express their inspirations, Jogja Blues Explosion is an event for blues and rock enthusiasts. With two stages filled with harmonious performances of melodious songs from more than 50 world-class blues artists from Indonesia, Jogja Blues Explosion is also enlivened with an art exhibition. This is the perfect place for you to freely listen to good music with great companions.
Wonderful Mentawai Festival
Regency, wonderful Mentawai Festival challenges all world-class surfers to take on the unforgiving waves of the beautiful Mentawai. As one of the favorite places to surf in the entire archipelago, Mentawai is a fine place to hold an international surfing tournament. With several art and cultural attractions of Mentawai native as well as mesmirizing mystical rituals to keep bad spirits away, you are guaranted to have a perfect resonance of original hospitality ans safety for all surfers. This is you chance to catch a wave at the ultimate beach spot in Indonesia.
Wonderful Tambora Festival
The third annual Wonderful Tambora Festival is originally made to commemorate the day of The Great Mount Tambora Eruption that happened 200 years ago. However the main emphasis of Wonderful Tambora Festival is to expose the hidden beauty of Mount Tambora and for every one to enjoy delights of Dompu and Bima districts. Vaious program are included in thisnfestival, including the inspiring Tambora Untra Run with subcategories, unique art performances, and sporting events such as horse racing,biking, and trail biking. Located in the savannah of Tambora Mountain foot, you'll be able to explore the archipelago and experience the traditional culture.
Source: Ministry of Tourism & Culture, Republic of Indonesia.