Calendar 2017 of Tourism Events in South Sulawesi.

17             The Change of Palace Guard, Tol Barani Troop, Ballalompoa Palace, Gowa
23             Pattaugung and Massampo Wanu, Soppeng
24 - 25      Makasar Interfood, Makasar
28             Mappalili, Parepare
29             Wajo Anniversary 618th, Wajo
                 Movie Week, Makasar (March)

8               Makasar Culinary Night, Makasar
3   -  6       Bone Anniversary, Bone
17             The Change of Palace Guard, Tol Barani Troop, Ballalompoa Palace, Gowa
20 - 26      Creative Work Week, Makasar
                 Bira Beach Run, Bulukumba (April)
                 Ajarang Festival, Jeneponto (April)
                 Maccera Tasi, Palopo (april)

12 - 15      Love Festival of Ainun and Habibie - Parepare City
17             The Change of Palace Guard, Tol Barani Troop, Ballalompoa Palace, Gowa
20 - 21      Makasar Tourism and Art Market  - Makasar City
                 Festival Sanrobengi Island - Takalar Regency (May)
                 National Photography Jamboree - Makasar City (May)
                 Makasar Community Fiesta - Makasar City (May)
2               Bantimurung Culture Festival - Maros Regency
12             The Birth and Die Day of Prince Hasanuddin, Gowa
                 Gantarang Keke Festival, Bantaeng (June)
17             The Change of Palace Guard, Tol Barani Troop, Ballalompoa Palace, Gowa

17             The Change of Palace Guard, Tol Barani Troop, Ballalompoa Palace, Gowa
20 - 23      Toraja International Festival - Kete, Kesu, Noerth Toraja
21 - 23      Makasar Travel Fair, Makasar
29             Soup Saudara Festival, Pangkep
                 Ramang - Ramang Festival - Maros Regency (July)
                 Beautiful Malino, Gowa (July)
                 South Sulawesi Traditional Art Festival, Sidrap (July)
                 Lemo Beach Festival, East Luwu (July)
                Traditional Culinary, East Luwu (July)

12 - 13     Kite Festival, Makasar
17          The Change of Palace Guard, Tol Barani Troop, Ballalompoa Palace, Gowa
23            Tempe Lake Festival, Wajo
26 - 27     Garden Music Festival, Makasar
                Explore South Sulawesi Culinary Festival, Makasar (August)
                Folk Fishermen Fiesta and Boat Racing, Sidrap (August)

1              Accera Kalompoang, Gowa
3  -  6      Takabonerate Charm Festival, Selayar
8  -  10    Celebes Beauty Fashion Week, Makasar
9             Makasar Culinary Night, Makasar
16 - 17    Makasar Tourism Art Market, Makasar
17          The Change of Palace Guard, Tol Barani Troop, Ballalompoa Palace, Gowa
27 - 29    Salokaraje-7 Festival, Parepare
               Buntu Kabobong Festival, Enrekang (September)
               Rowing Festival, Enrekang (September)
               Cultural Procession A'dinging-dinging, Selayar (end of Muharram Month-Islamic Calender)

14 - 15   Makasar Traditional Games Festival, Makasar
17          The Change of Palace Guard, Tol Barani Troop, Ballalompoa Palace, Gowa
26 - 28   Photography Competition of Charm of Selayar Island, Selayar
28          Traditional Boat Marine Festival, Makasar
              Explore South Sulawesi Run Competition, Makasar-Bira-Gowa

1  -  5     Makasar Expo, Makasar
11          Makasar Culinary Night, Makasar
11          Supermonde Cruise Marine Festival, Makasar
12          Losari Festival,Makasar
17          The Change of Palace Guard, Tol Barani Troop, Ballalompoa Palace, Gowa
17          Gowa Anniversary, Gowa
              Maudu Lompoa Cikoang, Takalar (November)
              Maudu A'daka ri Gowa (Prophet Muhammad Birth Day), Gowa (November)
              Celebes Travel Mart, South Sulawesi Province (November)
              Mappagau Sihanua, Sinjai (November)
              Phinisi Festival, Bulukumba (November)
              Mappalili Rituals, Pangkep (November)
              Makasar Jazz Festival (November)

1           Malino Run, Gowa
17          The Change of Palace Guard, Tol Barani Troop, Ballalompoa Palace, Gowa
26 - 30  Lovely Toraja, Toraja
             International Barista Competition, Toraja (December)

Source: The Inflight magazine of Batik air, March 2017. 


vaiybora said…
Very helpful suggestions that help in the optimizing topic,Thanks for your sharing.


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