Exhibition on "Ulos" at Textile Museum, Jakarta

If you want to admire the beauty of traditional hand woven fabrics, "Ulos" from Batak ethnic  in North Sumatra, then come to Textile Musem in Jakarta.

"Ulos" exhibition is on now from September 20 to October 7, 2018 at Textile Museum with theme " Ulos, Hangoluan & Tondi". Hangoluam means life and Yondi means soul meaning that Ulos is the life as well as the soul of Batak society.

The exhibition is presented by Del and Tobatenun Foundation supported by the Ministry of Tourism and Culture. The items on display are a private collection of Devi Pandjaitan with Kerri Na Basaria. The exhibition display also very old and rare collection.So don't miss out this event.

Source: https://travel.kompas.com


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