Discover Geogical Phenomena in Indonesia in Museum Geologi Bandung, West Java.

Besides known for its culture and nature tourism destination, Bandung is also worth visiting for education tourism. Geological Museum located at  Jl. Diponegoro No.57, Cihaur Geulis, Cibeunying Kaler, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40122 is a popular destination especially among students to enrich their knowledge about the Earth on geological phenomena in Indonesia.

The Geology Museum was established on May 16, 1928. The museum was initiated by the Dutch Insitute, Dienst Van het Mijnwezen, then changed to Dienst Van Den Mijnbouw and functioned as  geological laboratory of the government office.  The museum has been renovated with assistance from JICA. After undergoing renovations, the Geology Museum was reopened and inaugurated by the Indonesian Vice President, Megawati Soekarnoputri on August 23, 2000.

The museum is open every day except Friday and national holidays. Operational hours of the museum are as follows; from Monday to Thursday, the museum is open from 09.00 to 15.30 but Friday to Sunday limited to 13.30. The entrance ticket are Rp 2,000.0 for students and Rp 3,000.0 for domestic visitors but Rp 10,000.0 for International Tourist.

Rocks Garden
Once stepping into the museum complex, you will find many rocks are displayed in front area outside of the building. The rocks are grouped based on their classification, name, and location found.  These rocks were found from many parts of Indonesia and displayed as part of learning media.  Among the rocks on display are Igneous Rocks and Sedimentary Rocks as seen on the  following photographs :

Igneous Rocks.
Sedimentary Rocks.
The collection of Museum Geologi comprises of  hundreds of thousand of rocks, mineral, and fossils collection. Besides in the rock cycle park, most of them are stored in storage and a few are displayed in exhibition hall. The exhibition hall occupies two floor old buildings.

After the renovation,the exhibition hall presents four main themes in four galleries namely geology of Indonesia and the history of life, and geological resources and geological benefits and disasters. The materials and information on geology of Indonesia are available on the west wing of the first floor while the east wing of the first floor is set for the history of life.In the second floor, the geological resources are displayed in the west wing whereas geological Benefits and Disasters occupy the east wing.

Geology of Indonesia.
The collection in the History of Life.
Geological Resources Gallery.

Source : Museum Geologi, Guide Map.


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