Explore the hidden Beauty of Mandeh Islands, Pesisir Selatan, West Sumatra.

The cluster of Islands in Madeh Tourism Area.
Mandeh Islands is a  new tourism area in Pesisir Selatan Regency about two hours driving from Padang, the capital city of West Sumatra Province. Mandeh Islands is an island group that encompasses Traju, Big Sironjong, Little Sironjong, Satan Island, and Cubadak Island.

(Courtesy YouTube)

This area has just received  quite a lot of attention after Presiden Jokowi officially launched Mandeh as a tourism destination on October 10, 2015.President Jokowi promoted the Mandeh islands tourism area through his Instagram and Twitter accounts. Since then, this area has been quite popular in West Sumatra especially dubbed as "Radja Ampat" of West Sumatra Province.

Access Road thought Mandeh Tourism Area.
As a tourism destination, its stretches of sand and a cluster of islands will spoil the eyes. The islands are very beautiful with natural green hills with scenic landscapes like those in Raja Ampat in Papua. The islands have distinctive attractions to enjoy.

ThePlatform of Cliff Jumping at 15 meters height.

Water sport activities are available in Sattan Island. Here you can play speedboats, fishing, or ride a banana boat. You can continue the journey to Big Sironjong Island for snorkeling. But, if you want to pump up your adrenaline try Cliff Jumping ( at 5 and 15 m) in Little Sironjong. Alternatively, having finished all activities, you can take a rest at Cubudak Island where you can find a resort, Paradiso Village managed by Nani, an Italian.
Snorkeling Location at Cubudak Island.
On way back, you can still enjoy how exotics is Mandeh by cruising into the mangrove and taking photos on a waterfall nearby.

In the coming Tour de Singkarak 2019 from November 2 to 10, the last Etape10 on November 20 will start from Carocok beach, Painan and go through Mande Tourism Area and finish in Padang. Tour de Singkarak 2019 is expected to be the engine of Tourism Economy in Pesisir Selatan Regency as the cycling event in the last Etape 10 will take the route through access road of Mande Tourism Area.

Source:https://phinemo.com/tips-menghabiskan-waktu-terbaik-di-pulau-mandeh-raja-ampatnya-sumatera-barat/; https://youtu.be/TeJp0Jz0okw



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