Visit "Festival Bunga dan Buah Nusantara 2019" in Bogor, West Java.

A spectacular even called as "Festival Bunga dan Buah Nusantara 2019", or Festival of Indonesia Flowers and Fruits is around the corner. With the objective of introducing domestic flowers and fruits across the country, this even is for sure a big ones.

As an annual even, the festival will take place  at Pakansari Stadium, in Cibinong, Bogor regency from November 29th to Desember 1st, 2019. This time the theme will be the charm of Indonesia Flowers and Fruits.

The festival is held by the Agriculture Institute of Bogor (IPB) in collaboration with local government, Regency of Bogor. So don't miss out and come to Bogor.

Source : a number of internet articles.


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