Have Fun in Floating Market, Lembang Bandung.

There are many interesting tourist attractions that you can visit in Bandung. Tourist attractions in Bandung not only offer natural beauty, but also the uniqueness of the place. Floating market is among unique tourist destination in Bandung.

Floating market in Lembang Bandung has become popular since 2012 when it was open for public. Here visitors can find floating markets like those in Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan.

In addition to culinary, visitors can enjoy the rides available at the Floating Market such as canoe, water bicycle, water train, and paddle boat. In this Floating Market visitors  can feel cool air and comfortable for recreation with family.

To enjoy the uniqueness of floating market in Lembang Bandung, visitors only needs to pay IDR 20,000.0 per person.

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