VISIT BALI 2020 : Denpasar Calender of Events 2020.

 01  New Year Eve 2020
 23  Siwa Ratri Day
 25  Tumpek Uduh/Tumpek Pangatag Holy Day

08  Legong Keraton Dance Competition
09  Baliness Letters Day
13  Sugihan Jawa
15  Mangrove RailingCompetition
16  Denpasar Film Festival
19  Galungan Holy Day
22  Grand Final Denpasar Tourism Ambasador
27 Denpasar Annyversary Celebration
29 Kuningan Holy day

08  Pengerebongan Ceremonial
20  Melasti Ceremony
23  Ogoh Ogoh Festival
24  Nyepi Holy Day
25  Omed-Omedan Festival

04 Tumplek Klurud
16-19  PICA Festival

09 Tumpek Kandang
23 Denpasar Art Festival

13 Tumpek Wayang
13 Bali Art Festival
18 Sanur Fiesta
27 Kite Festival by Pitik Community

01 Saraswati Holy Day
07 Panjer Festival
08 Pagerwesi Holy Day.
12 Dangin Puri Kangin Art Parade
18 Tumpek Landep Day

08 SesetanKarnaval
16 Kite Festival
17 Indonesian Independence Day
20 Tumpek Uduh/Tupek Pengatag Holy Day
21-23 Sanur Village Festival

12 Baleganjur Parade
13 Biaung Kite Festival
16 Galungan Holy Day
20 Puputan Badung Festival
26 Kuningan Holy Day
27 Ngelawang Competition

04 Pengerebongan Ceremony
11 Scarecrow Competition
23-25 Muara Beach Festival
28-1 DTIK Festival
31 Tumpek Klurut Day

23-25 Ubung Festival
10 Bali Triathlon

05 Tumpek Kandang
28-31 Denpasar Festival

Source :


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