Visit Special Region of Jogjakarta 2020: Calender of Iconic Events

Museum Sultanate Palace of Jogjakarta HB X.

January : Spirit of 2020
25 Repositioning of Pura Pakualaman's Troop

February : Cultural Events
02-08 Chinese Cultural Week Festival

March : The Call of Art and Industry
21-22 : Jogja Air Show (Parangtritis)
29 : Jogja Fashion Carnival (Malioboro)
29 : Jogja Marathon (Prambanan Temple)

April : Jogja Expo and Sport Tourism
02-05 : Investa Expo (Jogja Expo Center)

May : Jogja Cultural Experience
24 : Gerebeg Syawal, Kraton's Traditional Ceremony "Gerebeg"

June : The Rythme of Jogja
13-14  : Jogja Gran Fondo (Sleman)

July :   Jogja in Folk's Song
01-18 : Yogyakarta Cultural Week Festival
23 July - 30 August : | ART JOG (Jogja Art Museum)
03-05 : Prambanan Jazz (Prambanan Temple)

August : Independence Day Spirit
14-15 : Djogjantique Day
24-30 : Jogja Gamelan Festival

September : International Cultural Attraction
06 : Bird Singing Competition  Hamengku Buono Cup
19 : Keroncong Plesiran
19-20 : Jogja International Street Performance

October : Spirit of Batik
03-04 : Kustenfest
07 : Wayang Jogja Night Carnival #5

November : Harmony in Diversity
14-15 : Jogja International Heritage Walk
21 : Ngajogjazz

December : Year End Tunes
16 : Launching Calender of Events 2021 

Source :



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