Enjoy The Artworks of Nyoman Nuarta at NuArt Sculpture Park in Bandung.

The Entrance building.
Happen to be visiting Bandung and looking for  exquisite art works to enjoy, then the NuArt Sculpture Park is the right place. The NuArt Sculpture Park is a "must-see" sculpture museum of art gallery belongs to Nyoman Nuarta, a well known sculpture artist from Tabanan Bali.

As a master in carving and sculpting, art works of Nyoman Nuarta are well recognized internationally. Garuda Wisnu Kencana (GWK) in Bali, the monument of Jales veva jayamahe in Surabaya are among his masterpieces of artwork.

The NuArt is the venue to exhibits all of his works to visitors, from the beginning of his career to his latest masterpieces. Besides, he uses outdoor spaces to display his works.

The NuArt Sculpture Park occupies an area of 3 ha which is designed and developed for art antusiasts. The park facilitates venue for Events and workshops for art lovers; besides it provides service apartement as well residences (www.nuarta.com).

Nyoman Nuarta on the wall.
It is located in the northern part of Bandung at Jalan Setra Duta Kencana II/11 and open for public from 09.00 to 18.00 daily except weekend  from 11.00 to 21.00. An admission fee of IDR 50,000.0 applies to all visitors.

Source : http://erawisata.com

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