Explore Ancient Temples in Jogjakarta : Sewu Temple

Sewu Temple seen from East Entrace.
When visiting Prambanan Temple, you will a number of temple close by one of those is Sewu Temple. You can reach the temples using electric vehicles availabe once you exit Prambanan Temple.Situated in Bugisan village, Prambanan sub-district, Klaten Regency, Central Java Province.

Sewu Temple is a Buddist temple and the second biggest Buddhist Temple after Borobudur in Indonesia. The temple is also listed a s a World heritage.
Sewu Temple seen from North Entrance.
This temple complex consists of 249 temples namely 1 main temple, 4 pair of Apit temples, and 240 perwara temples. Located in the center of the complex, the main temple is surrounded by Perwara and Apit Temples. Sewu Temple Complex has 4 entraces ( east, north and south) and each if them is guarded by two Dwaraoala statues.

Source : Department of Tourism and Culture, Central Java Province.

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