Lets' Exercise at Lapangan Gasibu, Bandung West Java.

When in Bandung, another activity you should not skip is do some exercises or just take a stroll at Lapangan Gasibu. Lapangan Gasibu is an old public space and considered an iconic site in Bandung. It was first built by the Dutch colonial government as an open space in front of Gedung Sate or Satay House; this area was first known as the Wilhelmina Plein in 1920.

In the 1950s, Lapangan Gasibu was football stadium for people in the north Bandung. The name of Gasibu itself came from a football association where the members were the people of north Bandung. Gasibu stands for Gabungan Sepakbola Indonesia bandung Utara, or North Bandung Indonesian Football Association.

As a public open space, Lapangan Gasibu is situated strategically in north Bandung making it frequently visited.  The crowd always takes place in the Sunday morning as many activities are held in and around Lapangan Gasibu from sport exercise,  farmers market, music performance, and sunday market. 

Source: wikipedia.com https://erawisata.com

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