Visit New Tourism Destination in Jogjakarta : Heha Sky View

Going viral at social media, HeHa Sky View in Gunungkidul, Jogjakarta is the best spot for having fun as s weekend getaway. HeHa Sky View itself is actually a 3-story restaurant that is equipped with a garden and some selfie photo spots. So, it offers visitors a variety of instagramable photo spots.
HeHa Sky View can be an option to enjoy the evening while enjoying the view of the city of Yogyakarta from above the height. Along the way up the hill, there are many spots to the view but this one is the best of all.

The name sounds novel but HeHa is taken from the first name of the restaurant owner, Herry Zudianto and Handoyo Mawardi.While Sky View comes from tourist sites located in hilly areas and has natural scenery that spoil the eyes.

All here is at price like elsewhere. The admission into HeHa Sky View Gunungkidul is charged as follows: from 10:00 WIB to 16.30 WIB the entrance ticket is IDR 10,000; while from 16:30 WIB - 22:00 WIB the entrance ticket is IDR 15,000. 
Also, for visitors who want to take pictures on the glass terrace it will cost Rp. 30.000 and a sky balloon Rp. 20.000 per person. There is a photographer's service at each selfie spot, the cost per photo file you want is IDR 5,000.

The address of Heha Sky View is at Jl. Dlingo-Patuk No.2, RT.001/RW.001 Desa Patuk, Kec. Patuk, Kabupaten Gunung Kidul, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55862. HeHa Sky View Gunungkidul is open every day, with opening hours at 11.00-22.00 WIB on Monday to Friday, while Saturday 10:00-23.00 WIB and Sunday 10:00-22.00 WIB. Come and enjoy spectacular view of the City of Jogjakarta.

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