In Memory of Indonesia's Great Painter : Basuki Abdullah.

Art lovers must have heard the name of Basoeki Abdullah. The paintings of Maestro Basoeki Abdullah have been displayed in many prestigious buildings and art galleries not only at home but also abroad. 

The painter whose full name is Fransiskus Xaverius Basoeki Abdullah is a realist and naturalist painter. He is also a famous painter with a distinctive appearance in the form of sunglasses, a beret, a safari shirt and often smoking pipes.

History records that Indonesia has had  a number of maestro painters.The late Basoeki Abdullah was one of them. He was famous as a portrait painter and inherited the talent of painting from his father, Abdullah Suryosubroto also a maestro in painting in his era. 

 Born in Surakarta, January 25 1915, he  moved to Holland in 1913 for further study in Arts. He spent many years there and received a Royal Certificate of Arts for his achievement, including in France and Italy for comparative study in a number of art schools. He defeated 87 international-caliber painters in a competition held in Amsterdam during the coronation of Queen Yuliana on September 6, 1948, in the Netherland.

This famous Indonesian naturalist and naturalist painter was once appointed as a painter of the Royal Palace of Thailand in the 1960s and an official painter of the Merdeka Palace in 1974.  His paintings  shows the resemblance of face and form were favored by the upper classes especially statemen. Various statesmen such as Bung Karno, Prince Philip of England, Prince Bernard of the Netherlands, Sultan of Brunei, Mrs. Ratna Sari Dewi Soekarno has him to make their portrait paintings.

Besides Indonesia, he often holds solo exhibitions abroad, such as Thailand, Malaysia, Japan, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom and other countries. In fact, not less than 22 countries in the world collect his work.

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