Watching Beautiful Sunrise at Bukit Punthuk Setumpu, Central Java.

A Stunning Morning at Bukit Punthuk Setumpu.
Bukit Punthuk Setumpu is one of the best spot to watch the sunrise with the background of Mount Merapi Merbabu. From this place, tourists can also see the magnificent Borobudur temple trapped in the morning sea mist.

The exoticism views of the Stunning sun rise in the morning has always been a magnet for tourists. Therefore, no wonder if the tourist spots that presents a view of the sunrise is always crowded with tourists. For example: Mount Bromo in East Java, Mount Dieng Sikunir in Central Java, and Bukit Punthuk Setumbu in Magelang.

Of these three places, Bukit Punthuk Setumbu have a different view of the morning. Besides watching the sun slowly peeking from Mount Merapi or Merbabu, tourists can also witness the splendor of Borobudur from a height. Of course this is a distinct advantage. No wonder if eventually Punthuk Setumbu become a favorite location for foreign tourists to watch the sunrise and also a favorite spot for photographers.

Nature attraction of Sunrise at Bukit Punthuk Setumpu.

Punthuk Setumbu a high hill of approximately 400 meters above sea level, located in the constellation Menoreh Mountains. This place was once a farm population. But after a photographer took pictures of the stunning sunrise Borobudur from this place, the people were coming to visit this place to watch the sunrise.

The Beauty of morning mist surrounding Bukit Punthuk Setumbu.
Travelers who want to see the beauty of Borobudur at dawn are advised to arrive at this place before 05.00 am. From the parking lot at the foot of the hill, tourists had trekking about 15 minutes to reach the top route in the form of the macadam and soil. For those who are not strong trekking to the summit, not far from the parking lot there is a gazebo where tourists can watch Borobudur from afar .
For tourists and photographers wanting to capture the sunrise from Punthuk Setumbu, then the best time to come to this place is during the dry season around June to August. In these months the sun can be seen clearly without shrouded in clouds so they can get a wonderful moment. Besides the track towards the hill does not tarnish like during the rainy season. Whereas if you want to take pictures of Borobudur temple covered in mist, visitors can come anytime.

The hill of Punthuk Setumbu  is not far from Borobudur Temple, precisely in Dusun Kerahan, Karangrejo Village, Borobudur, Magelang. Yogyakarta is about 1 hour away by car. Travelers who want to enjoy the beauty of the sunrise from the hill are required to pay a levy amounting to Rp 15,000 / person.


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