Alluring Beauty of Lampung : When Its All Over, Here Are Gateaway Destinations in Lampung.

Lampung is a province on the most southern part of Sumatra  Island,with a myriad of tourist destinations, which are very fascinating and will never be forgotten. You just relax and then enjoy the beautiful coral reefs under the sea water. Besides, the lake and the national park in Lampung are also so  challenging to explore.

When you decide Lampung is you choice, then five tourist destinations are recommended for you to visit. Starting from the beach, the bay, the lake to the National Park.

1.Pantai Gigi Hiu 

Pantai Gigi Hiu or Shark Teeth Beach has a characteristic of coral formation scattered on the beach. This makes the beach has its own uniqueness. This beach is located in Kelumbayan District, Tanggamus Regency, Lampung Province.

Its is a good spot for selfies as its stunning coral reefs make your photos beautiful and what makes this spot so memorable when sunset. The sun's light at sun rise and sunset, makes this beach  spot very memorable.

2.Teluk Kiluan 

Kiluan Bay is like a heaven in Kiluan Negeri, Kelumbayan, Tanggamus Regency, Lampung Provision. You will be emersed with a view of the beach which is very beautiful and enchanting, spoiling the eyes with beautiful coral reefs and ornamental fishes that you can see clearly with your naked eyes.

Not only a beautiful beach, it turns out that this bay is inhabited by dolphins.Dozens of snipper dolphins  and bottlenose dolphins can be found off shore.They behave like greeting tourists who visit the area, they greet everyone who sees it with beautiful leaps. 

You can also snorkel on Coconut Island. The location is not far from Kiluan Bay, you only need 15 minutes boating from Kiluan Bay. Not only the coral reefs are attracting attention, this spot also has many types of ornamental fish and starfish that are very interesting to see.

3. Danau Ranau

Ranau Lake is a lake with a beauty not to be missed, because this tectonic-volcanic lake offers a lots of spots for you to explore.  The lake shares a border betweenLampung Province with South Sumatra Province in Banding Agung, OKUS Regency. 

You will be amazed by its beauty once you arrive there and feel the freshness of its pollution free air. More over, its beauty is augmented by the setting of Seminung Mount nearby, which is around 1.880 m above MSL. It makes this spot a perfect place for travelers in need of peaceful and comfortable site as this place still offers natural attractions.

4. Pulau Pahawang
Pahawang Island is awesome like a paradise in Lampung, all attractions that are never forgotten by you, in this place you can snorkel in the middle of the sea where the underwater scenery is very beautiful to see, you will be spoiled with beautiful coral reefs and ornamental fish which will greet you around the coral reef. Click here to watch video of Pahawang Island.

5. Taman Nasional Way kambas

Way Kambas National Park is located in Labuhan Ratu District, East Lampung. This place is known as a Sumatran elephant sanctuary, this national park is also their training ground. Visit Taman Nasional Way Kambas.


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