Tourism Industry in Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) in the New Normal Era.

Selong Belanak Beach in Lombok.

Even though the outbreak of Covid-19  still haunts the world of tourism in Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB), Indonesia. Tourism business players in Lombok remains vigilant, in carrying out the Covid-19 health protocol. Even the tourism business actors are currently starting to rise towards the transition towards or the New Normal.

Robie Travel Lombok Holiday, for example, welcomes the local government to start a tourism business,  provides fresh air for all tourism businesses in Lombok. They welcome and applause, because with this good news, domestic tourists are starting to arrive which will revive the economy of the travel business people again after more than 6 months of closing,  as Nazarudin, the tourism business actor, commented.

As a result of the Covid-19 outbreak, said Nazarudin, the promotion of tourism in Central, East, South and West Lombok was affected by stopping promotion, this effort must of course be made by all parties in the tourism business, automatically the tourism economy will also completely die. With the beaches and islands' tourism sector is able to contribute to regional revenue (PAD) to the local government from domestic tourists as well as foreign tourists.

"For travelers who want a vacation with a quieter atmosphere near Bali, just take a ferry, Lombok is here to welcome you all," he explained.Furthermore, Lombok is said to have many beautiful beaches and world-class diving locations. For nature lovers, you will also be spoiled with waterfalls, trekking routes and of course the Rinjani volcano.

Gili Nangu, in West Lombok.

The tourist destinations which are well known and visited by many tourists are; Gili Gedis Island  in the shape of Love, Gili Nangu, Gili Sudak, Pulau Pasir and Pink Beach. Even in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic, the island's destination is maintained  its cleanliness and beauty by local residents and tourism business people, because it is to provide maximum service to tourists who come to Lombok.

"Once the government enforces the new normal, of course we will follow government regulations regarding the Covid-19 health protocol, which has been implemented in tourist attractions. So that hotel facilities, restaurants and other tourist attractions have been prepared safely according to Covid-19 prevention standards.

Gili Gedis Island with the shape of Love.

"We have prepared tourism facilities in Lombok, so that when they open in normal times, they are ready. And Lombok is safe for any tourist to visit, of course tourists must also be willing to follow health protocols, "he said.

Other tourist destinations are Kuta Beach, Seger Tanjung Aa, Selong Balanak, Mawun Lombok which is in the South area directly opposite the Australian ocean which is enchanting with its ocean.
The stretch of white sand on Kuta Beach has become the global Kuta Mandalik, especially since the presence of the GP motorbike circuit in Lombok is increasingly attracting tourists,

"My friends and tourism businessmen in Lombok hope that Indonesia can return to normal soon and be much better from the Covid-19 outbreak," said Robie.

Every year the online booking site Tripadvisor releases a Traveler's Choice award in the field of travel, whose data is referenced from direct traveler reviews. One of them is the category of trending destinations or destinations that are currently popular.

There are 25 destinations from around the world that are included in this prestigious list. The name Kochi in India is said to be in first place, followed by Luzon (Philippines) in second place and Porto (Portugal) in third. Interestingly, there is one destination in Indonesia included in the list. It is the name of Lombok in NTB came at the 6th on the list

The news is quite happy and at the same time proves that Indonesian destinations are like others abroad.  Apart from the Island of the Gods, Bali, Indonesia also has Lombok to be reckoned with.

Source : Aisyah, Jounalist/Traveler.


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