Five Super Priority Tourism Destinations of The New Minister, Sandiaga Uno.

Labuhan Bajo in NTT, Super Priority Tourism Destination.

JAKARTA - Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy (Menparekraf) Sandiaga Uno, who was just inaugurated, immediately moved quickly to restore Indonesian tourism which was affected by the corona virus pandemic.

In particular, five super priority tourist destinations which are Mandalika (Lombok, NTB), Lake Toba (North Sumatra) Labuan Bajo (NTT) Likupang (North Sulawesi) and Yogyakarta Borobudur Temple (Central Java)."The five super priority destinations are part of the 10 Bali projects that have just been launched by the government," said Sandi Uno

Sandi said that tourism and creative economy entrepreneurs were the benchmarks for arousing tourism and the creative economy amid the Covid-19 Pandemic."I am sure, with all the readiness of tourist destinations and the creative economy, it can rise from the economic downturn as well as an example for other regions in the country," said Sandi.

Borobudur Temple in Central Java.

He admitted that he had just been appointed as the Minister, Menparekeraf, and had a special task from President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) to focus on 5 super priority destinations. He wants Bali to be an example for these 5 super priority destinations to revive the tourism sector and the creative economy."Mr. President Jokowi asked me to focus on five super priority destinations to become Indonesian Tourism Icons," he said

This development includes infrastructure, readiness of Community Resources, to the Calendar of Events (Festival) for the next year.Sandi acknowledged, and saw that the Indonesian tourism sector was experiencing a tough period during the Covid 19 pandemic.

"I hope that in the leadership entrusted by President Jokowi, the tourism sector can adapt and collaborate to generate greater monetary benefits, such as opening more jobs for people affected by Covid 19," said Sandi (*).

Note : translated from " 5 Destinasi Wisata Super Prioritas Pemerintah" by Aisyahra Mulyawati 


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