A Journalist Report to Borobudur Temple.

 Borobudur Temple, which is located in Magelang, Yogjakarta, Central Java Province as a relic of the world's largest Buddhist community, was recognized by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site in 1991. Currently Borobudur is the center of attraction for very beautiful tourism potential that is widely visited by local tourists as well as international tourists.

As usual, the Journal Holiday team is always curious about Indonesia's cool tourist destinations, and until finally arriving at one of them, Borobudur Temple as the next target to be visited, and can become one of the national and international tourism destinations that have a wealth of cultural tourism potential and sustainable.


Well all friends of Traveler, Borobudur Temple was developed as a destination that has strength and attractiveness based on heritage potential and has been recognized by UNESCO as a World Cultural Heritage.

Borobudur Temple is a historical monument and records the history of social life. In this context, we can understand how from the very beginning Borobudur was founded on the links between history, religion and art.

Borobudur Temple is a historical monument and records the history of social life. In this context, we can understand how from the very beginning Borobudur was founded on the links between history, religion and art.

For information, the effort to build a monument as big as Borobudur is an indication of the human desire to make history  creating a landmark or landmark that marks a certain achievement in the journey of society.

Friends of travelers, Borobudur is a monument to the historical evidence of the progress of social life in Indonesia. A life that reflects harmony, prosperity, and physical and mental well-being. Of course, these noble values ​​must always be internalized to the community and their values ​​are maintained even though the Government has designated it  as one of the super-priority destinations, Visit, Protect, Preserve culture and local wisdom for us to continue to enjoy together.


Note : Special thanks to Aisyahra Mulyawati, a journalist as well as traveler, for sharing her view.


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