Visit South Sumatra : Gua Putri, Baturaja Ogan Komering Ulu.

One of the tourist destinations that is always crowded with visitors during the holiday season in Ogan Komering Ulu, South Sumatra is the Putri Cave, Goa Putri. Goa Putri is the largest of the five caves in the Bukit Barisan karst hills in Padang Bindu Village,. The depth of Goa Putri is estimated to be 150 meters, about 20 meters high and 20-30 meters wide.Semidang Aji District, Ogan Komering Ulu Regency. The cave which is located about one kilometer from Intra Sumatra road that connects Baturaja and Muara Enim has become one of the iconic tourist attractions that are of great interest to tourists from within and outside the country.

Visitors will find interesting stalactite and stalagmite formations in Goa Putri. Stalactites are calcium carbonates that hang and freeze from the ceiling of Goa. While Stalagmites are ice cone-shaped rocks facing upwards can be found on the floor of Goa.When  the Sun light fall into the cave walls, it will appear beautiful colors. Visitors usually trace this cave to a pool which is believed to be a bathing place for a princess and is related to the legend of Serunting Sakti or The Bitter Tongue.

Upon entering the cave,visitor will walk through a steep and slippery path for about 150 meters. Most of this area is still closed to visitors because of it is dangerous, dark and usually inhabited by bats that fly over this cave. Uniquely this cave, visitors will  enter and exit on the different hole. Once inside, visitors will go to another hole in a step.

Access to Goa Putri can be reached from Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin II airport in Palembang, you can rent a car to Goa Putri, about 230 kilometers away. If you wish to use public transportation, you can take a bus to Baturaja from the Palembang bus station. From Baturaja to Goa Putri, several forms of public transportation are available, the route available is Baturaja - Muara Enim. Public transportation in South Sumatra usually operates at times when the market in the city is very congested.

 Source : YouTube



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