Visit Central Java : Keraton Kasunanan Surakarta Hadiningrat, Solo.


The Palace of Kasunanan Surakarta Hadiningrat.

The Sultanate of Mataram is an Islamic empire on the island of Java that once reigned in the 17th century. Since its establishment, the palace of the Islamic Kingdom had moved four times. At the beginning of its establishment by Panembahan Senopati, the Mataram Palace was located in Kotagede Yogyakarta.During the reign of Sultan Agung, the palace was moved to Kerto. After the failure of Sultan Agung's attack on Batavia in 1628-1629, the center of government was moved to Plered. During Amangkurat II, the center of government was moved to the Wanakerta area which was later called Kartasura. 

The Genealogy of Mataram Kingdom.

The relocation of the palace was triggered by several rebellions which destroyed the palace.During the reign of Sultan Agung, the palace was moved to Kerto. After the failure of Sultan Agung's attack on Batavia in 1628-1629, the center of government was moved to Plered.The Kraton in Plered was destroyed by the attack of the troops led by Trunajaya. As a result of this incident, the Mataram palace center in Plered was then moved to Kartasura by Amangkurat II.

During the reign of Paku Buwono II in 1727-1749, the Mataram Kingdom was hit by riots due to the ethnic Chinese rebellion from Batavia against the Dutch which then influenced the Mataram Kartasura Kingdom (1740-1743).However, as a result of the riot and following events the Mataram palace in Kartasura was severely damaged. 

Paku Buwono II, he had the idea of building and moving the palace to a village called Sala or Solo.  Pakubuwana II inhabited this new palace for only three years. In 1749 PB II died.The construction of the palace was continued by the successor kings of PB II, namely from PB III to Pakubuwono X (PB X). During the PB X period, the Kasunanan Surakarta Palace experienced physical splendor. This is shown by the construction of several gates in the palace, Kraton Kilen, Pagelaran, and Sitihinggil.



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