Visit Lampung : Puncak Mas, A Beautiful Photo Spot on the Hill in Bandar Lampung.


Photo Spots in Puncak Mas, Bandar Lampung.

when you are in Bandar Lampung and want to have an instagramable selfie spot on hilly area, Puncak Mas is then your destination. Puncak Mas is a tourist area located in a hilly area. Just like other tourist spots, the Puncak Mas area is also cool and suitable as a tourist spot in the form of a viewing post with a comfortable atmosphere. The address is located at Jalan H. Hamim RJP, Sukadanaham, Tanjung Karang Barat District, Bandar Lampung City, Lampung. 

You can access the Puncak Mas tourist area through several alternative routes. If you are in the Citraland area, you must continue your journey towards Lembah Hijau then enter Sukadanaham Village. Next, all you have to do is follow the signposts to Puncak Mas.

You can also visit Puncak Mas through Pasar Tamin. Direct your vehicle towards Tugu Duren then turn right towards Sukadanaham Village. One more access that you can go through is from the direction of Teluk Betung. You must pass Jalan PDAM Way Rilau or take the back lane towards Citraland Lampung. Next, all you have to do is head to the Duren Monument and then enter the Sukadanaham sub-district.While in Puncak Mas, you can enjoy a variety of interesting tourist facilities, including viewpoint from Altitude,several Instagramable Photo Spots,outdoor Cafe.

One of the favorite spots for tourists is the viewing post. From the top of the cool and comfortable Puncak Mas, you can enjoy beautiful views of the city of Lampung and Bukit Bintang. Towards dusk, the scenery will change with flickering lights and an exotic view of the evening sky. When you are at the viewing post, don't forget to take the time to take selfies. Because this tourist destination is ready to become an attractive photo background for you.


Several Instagramable Photo Spots
Apart from taking pictures at the viewing post, you can also take pictures in other spots, namely in hot air balloon baskets, windmills, and tree houses. Several giant balloons are deliberately provided for tourist photo properties. You can get into the balloon basket even if the balloon doesn't fly.

Apart from the three photo spots, there are still other photo spots in the form of a gazebo, flower garden, and love bridge made of wood. You will definitely feel at home for a long time enjoying the atmosphere of Puncak Mas while hunting for Instagramable photos.

The outdoor cafe is also one of the favorite tourist facilities in Puncak Mas. You can eat various foods and drinks while enjoying the atmosphere of Puncak Mas from a height. This cafe also regularly holds live music shows and DJ performances on weekends.

The Puncak Mas Lampung tourist area also has its own uniqueness in the form of two prayer rooms located on a durian tree. Each of these prayer rooms is for male and female tourists. The men's prayer room was built at a height of 8 meters with a capacity of 25 people. Meanwhile, the women's prayer room is built at a height of 6 meters with a capacity of 15 people. You don't need to worry about the safety factor of this musala. Because this musala is built on a strong and stable foundation complete with several locking elbows.


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