Visit South Sumatra : Goa Harimau, the House of Civilization in Padang Bindu, Baturaja OKU.


Padang Bindu is a village in Semidang Aji District, Ogan Komering Ulu Regency, South Sumatra Province. It lies around 35 km from Baturaja, a capital city of Ogan Komering Ulu Regency. The village is a popular tourism destination among locals with its natural attractions of Goa Putra, or Putri Cave since 1989. Particularly, Goa Putri is linked to the local legend, Si Pahit Lidah. 

This village has even gone global  in popularity since the discovery of prehistoric remains in Goa Harimau, Tiger Cave, close by the village in 2009 by National Archeological Center. Tiger Cave is located in Sialang Coral Hill, Padang Bindu Village, Semidang Aji District, Ogan Komering Ulu (OKU), South Sumatra. Goa Harimau is believed to be the dwelling place for ancient people in South Sumatra. This is proven, with the discovery of ancient tombs in the cave. 

After traveling from Palembang for approximately five hours, visitors arrive at the complex of Goa Putri, or Putri Cave and  have to walk about half an hour to the location. Since no open access visitors have to spend extra energy. The path, left and right of rock, muddy ground and coffee plantation, inevitably have to be passed. Not to mention climbing 105 steep stairs before witnessing the awe-inspiring sights. Tiger Cave has an open entrance about 50 meters in diameter with a roof ceiling of about 30 meters.



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