Visit South Sumatra : Museum Songket Zainal, Palembang.


Posing with Zainal Songket (Center) in His Museum.

A popular tourist attraction in Palembang you will regret to skip is  Songket, traditional woven fabric. The center of Songket handycrafts in Palembang are scattered along Jalan Kranggo Wirosantiko ( used to be Jalan Talang Keranggo) and Jalan Ki Gede Ing Suro. The most popular one is Museum Songket, owned by Zainal Songket.The Songket Museum is one of the highly recommended places to visit, especially for those of you who are looking for a typical Palembang songket here.

The Songket Museum is one of the places selling Palembang's typical songket known as Zainal Songket. In this place you can see various types of songket and their history. This songket museum is suitable for those of you looking for original songket and quality that can be guaranteed the neatness and quality of the ingredients. here there are many variations of the typical woven songket. You can buy them in the form of rolls of cloth as well as ready-made clothes.

The price range for songket in this museum ranges from 500 thousand to 10 million and even above. Besides, Zainal also has introduced branding on his products with the words "ZAINAL SONGKET" to differentiate from similar products and premium price. There are also other South Sumatra souvenirs available here, such as tote bags, tanjak ( traditional hats of Palembang), key chain merchandise, placards, small statues and so on.

Many people have to come to this place, no exception to artists and famous people. Even the Songket Museum has been visited by several important Indonesian and foreign (international) people including the families of President SBY and President Jokowi, they have been here too. Even Miss Universe has been here to see the typical songket cloth from South Sumatra.


 Source : Interview on May 13, 2021 and other articles from the Internet.






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