Exploring Old Temples in D.I Yogyakarta : Plaosan Temple


Plaosan Lor Temple.

When visiting Prambanan Temple, never miss out another nearby historical relics from the classical period in Central Java and Yogyakarta, Plaosan Temple. Although it is less visited but not less interesting as its uniqueness is the blend of Buddhism and Hinduism in the structural architecture which symbolize the tolerance of religious beliefs already existed since then.

Plaosan Temple is the name for the temple complex located in Plaosan Hamlet, Bugisan Village, Prambanan District, Klaten Regency, Central Java Province, Indonesia. This temple is located approximately one kilometer to the northeast of Sewu Temple or Prambanan Temple. Find its location on the map here

The temple was thought to be built in the 9th Centuries during the reign of a Hindu monarch, Rakai Pikatan ( https://candi.perpusnas.go.id). With a Buddhist pattern, this temple was apparently built by Sang Maharatu Pramordhawardhani, a Buddhist princess from the Syailendra Dynasty who married a Hindu crown prince from the Sanjaya Dynasty, namely Rakai Pikatan who also accompanied the Princess during the construction of this temple. Although the two have different beliefs and religions, their love can continue to unite and be enshrined in the many temples in this region. The establishment of the Plaosan temple also marked the union of the two beliefs and the two great dynasties that were in power at that time (http://prameks.com).

Plaosan Kidul Temple.

Besides as a tourist attraction, It is a place for Buddhist religious ceremonies. The temple consists of two groups of temples, namely, the Plaosan Kidul temple group (South) and the Plaosan Lor temple (North) which are often called as Twin Temple. Both temples are separated by a road. The Plaosan Kidul temple group has suffered a lot of damage, while the Plaosan Lor temple is still much intact. The Plaosan Lor temple group consists of two main temples surrounded by 116 perwara stupas and 50 perwara temples.

As a tourism attraction, Plaosan Temple is a haunted spot for sunset photography.  Photography lovers can freely hunt sunsets in the temple area, which is located approximately one kilometer to the northeast of Sewu Temple or Prambanan Temple. For visitors who want to capture the momentum of the sunset, November is the best time as the position of the sun will be right between the two temples.

 Source: https://travel.kompas.com




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