Visit Museum Puro Pakualaman in DI Jogjakarta

Besides Keraton Ngayogyakarta, Puro Pakualaman is another culture attractions worth visiting in Jogjakarta. Both Palaces are dedicated as the central of the Javanese fine art and culture which are sacred and high culture. You will learn Javanese culture in the form of the cultural and historical heritages of the ex Islamic Mataram  kingdom.

When visit Puro Pakualaman, one of the attractions in Puro Pakualaman is Museum Puro Pakualaman. Inside museum there are three rooms. The first room contains the genealogy of Paku Alam, photographs, agreement documents, symbols of greatness and several heirloom collections including the throne of KGPA Paku Alam I, the royal umbrella "Songsong Bharad", then "Songsong Tunggul Naga". 

Various types of ancient weapons such the royal umbrella "Songsong Bharad", then "Songsong Tunggul Naga" are contained in the second room.

Meanwhile, in the third room, visitors will findthen there is a horse carriage which is a vehicle belonging to the Princes of Paku Alam.

The palace is open every day from 08.00 - 17.00 WIB. Especially for the museum, it is open on Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday from 09.00 - 13.30 WIB. To enjoy the splendor of the Pakualaman Temple Palace and see various museum collections, visitors do not need to pay an entrance ticket.



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